Thursday 30 August 2012

Blog Action Day 2012 is on 15 October: The Power of We. Read on for the topics and suggestions....

This one is for my fellow bloggers.  I am going to register for Blog Action Day on October 15 2012.  The theme/s of this year's Blog Action Day are important to me and I hope this is the same for others, particularly my fellow bloggers.  Is anyone interested in  joining with me in forming a sort of tag team to take up in a very strong way some issue of importance to all of this?  The tag team could take different forms - 24 bloggers blogging each on one hour of the 24 hour day in relation to a particular topic; a team of bloggers taking on a different aspect of the one topic are a couple of my suggestions.


August 29, 2012

Hello Bloggers

Welcome back to Blog Action Day for 2012. 

As previous participants of Blog Action Day, I am pleased  to share with you three important announcements.
1. Blog Action Day will be held on October 15, 2012,
2. Our theme is “The Power of We” - you can use the #powerofwe hashtag, and
3. Registrations for Blog Action Day are now OPEN.

Why did we choose The Power of We?

We choose this theme for a few reasons.
Firstly, the popularity of the subjects Community, Equality, Transparency/Anti-Corruption and Freedom, in the theme poll we ran via Facebook and Twitter, over te last few weeks.

Secondly, we felt that Blog Action Day needed to reflect the ever growing movements of people working together for positive social change.
Whether using digital tools like blogs, social networks and mobiles, or meeting face to face in local community halls, neighbours house, andpublic streets. Greater numbers of people have been coming together to make change, either for their own communities or the world at large.
For the team at Blog Action Day, we see The Power of We as a celebration of people working together to make a positive difference in the world, and we hope you take part and register your blog for Blog Action Day.

Ideas for how you can discuss “The Power of We” 

For Blog Action Day, you might profile a person or a group who inspire you, talk about your own efforts to make change, or highlight a cause that has been successful for using people power to make a difference.  
There are hundreds of examples you could choose from such as; fighting for healthier meals for kids in schools, protecting people’s rights in countries far away, stopping practices in industries that hurt the environment and communities, challenging authorities to listen and act for the people.
Or, you may want to focus on historical social change movements such as the Suffragettes movement, campaigns against slavery or civil rights.
If you are active in a movement, you might even want to discuss the strategies and tips of how to organise to encourage other people to make change happen.

Getting ready for Blog Action Day

As Blog Action Day gets closer (just under seven weeks away) we will be sharing thoughts from our NGO partners, previous Blog Action Day participants and interesting individuals about our theme, and ask them to provide suggestions and materials that you can use for your blogs on October 15, 2102.Also, over the next few weeks we will be increasing our communications with a weekly email, as well as regularly updates, content and opportunities via our website and social media channels.
The team at Blog Action Day can’t wait to see what you all blog about and we really hope that you enjoy taking part in Blog Action Day on October 12, 2012.
All the best
Karina and Jason and the rest of the Blog Action Day team
PS. Don't forget to register for this year's event via our website

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  1. Not fond of the slogan (which the authors chose.
    I am not taking you to task.)
    Something with better grammar might have been preferable.
    Kindly speak to me about your idea, as I had automatically rejected their idea (for reasons of grammatical purity). So now I need to be talked into it.

  2. Denis, I just took the title at face value ... being a big believer in the power of US - if only WE set our hearts, minds and energies into co-ordinating and delivering/displaying that power. As someone who is involved in so many grass roots activities, I would think that you have a good basis and experience for writing about the Power of We in one guise or another. There is power in collaboration and I hope there is powre in collaborating for Blog Action Day as well. I'll speak to you on the talking tube and we'll figure it all out. It would be nice if others joined in some sort of co-ordinated and collaborative way.


This blog does not take Anonymous comments. Experience shows that comments cluttered with "Anonymous" are boring and people don't know whether "Anonymous" is one person or many. This is not a decision about freedom of speech. It is a decision about boring or unwillingness to be known by even a pseudonym.