Friday 20 July 2012

Pls join me in complaining to the VEC about the "Australian Christians"

I have to-day written to the Victorian Electoral Commission at .......

Inline images 1To whom it may concern:

Could you please explain to me how the name "Australian Christians" came to be accepted by your organisation for a sectarian political party?

I am a sixth generation Australian.  I belong to two Christian communities - I am a Quaker and an Anglican.  Henceforth, I dare not tell anyone that I am an Australian Christian although that should describe me.  This sectarian politican party says it espouses Christian values.  They don't. They espouse sectarian values and bigotry.  As a Christian myself, I have to tell you that I don't espouse their values.

Not only does the name of this political party consign other Australians to some sort of netherworld, their How to Vote card lies.  They claim to be committed to honesty and integrity ... yet their website sets themselves up as promoting Australian Christian Values.  

"Christian values" in this country are diverse.  The so-called Australian Christians are homophobic.  A significant number, perhaps it could be a majorit,y of Christians who are Australians, are not.  In fact, some significant Christian leaders in this country are not against officially recognised same sex unions - but Fred Nile and his bigotted "Australian Christians" certainly are.

Could you please:
  1. Acknowledge that you have received this complaint
  2. Explain the rationale for accepting the name of the political party "Australian Christians"
  3. Advise me what you will do in regard to removing the name "Australian Christians"
  4. Advise, if you refuse to remove the name "Australian Christians" of your own volition, what can be done to achieve removal of this name and ban it from becoming the name of a sectarian political party.

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