Tuesday 31 July 2012

News from EDO - the Environment Defenders Office - 2012-07-31

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EDO e-Bulletin

31 July 2012

HRL Dual Gas funding withdrawn

Last Friday the Federal Minister for Energy and Resources, Martin Ferguson, announced that the Federal Government was withdrawing its $100 million grant to energy company HRL to construct it's Dual Gas coal fired power station - the very same power station that the EDO assisted Environment Victoria and Locals Into Victoria's Environment in challenging in VCAT earlier this year.  Read more

EDO runs important human rights test case

On 17 and 18 July the EDO acted in an important VCAT case about the degree to which privacy law and human rights apply to peaceful protesters.  The EDO acted for Lisa Caripis, a climate change writer and researcher who had been filmed by police when she attended a peaceful protest at the Hazelwood Power Station in 2010.  Read more.

Wild Law Workshop

Places are still available for the Wildlaw Workshop we're hosting for the Australian Wild Law Alliance.  Register now

Wild Law or Earth Jurisprudence offers a positive vision for creating Earth-centered laws and governance structures to ensure human societies can live within ecological limits and support the integrity and health of the Earth.   Read more.

Environmental Justice

The EDO launched a major report on Environmental Justice last Friday, at a day-long symposium attended by 70 activists, lawyers, academics and government representatives. The report marks the culmination of a year-long project. Read more.

Revised Murray-Darling Basin Plan progresses

On 9 July 2012 the Murray Darling Basin Ministerial Council presented its comments on the proposed Murray Darling Basin Plan to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. We understand that a further Proposed Basin Plan will be made public on 6 August 2012, after which the Ministerial Council has three weeks to provide any further comments directly to the Federal Environment Minister.  Read more. 

Pressure builds on coal and coal seam gas

Last week EDO lawyer Nick Croggon spoke at a public meeting on coal and coal seam gas in Fish Creek, Gippsland, in the latest of many public meetings that EDO lawyers have attended across regional Victoria, empowering local communities who wish to exercise their rights against coal and coal seam gas in their communities. Read more.

Victorian planning zone shake-up

The Minister for Planning, Matthew Guy, has announced proposals for sweeping changes to Victoria's planning zones, in a major shake-up of development controls. The changes include creating new residential zones to distinguish between low-density and high-density areas, and allowing more types of development (including agriculture) in Green Wedge zones.Read more
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Run Forest Run

Thanks to all who joined us at the Launch Party for Run Forest Run last Thursday, and made the night such a roaring success. And to all those who couldn't make it - never fear, there's still time to join our team! Read more...

VCAT workshop

The next VCAT Planning & Environment Appeals workshop will be held on Wednesday 22 August 2012. Learn how to most effectively participate and represent yourself in planning and environment matters before VCAT. Read more...
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