Wednesday 18 July 2012

Green Left Weekly Activist CalendarJuly 18, 2012

Public meeting
Degrees of debt: Student revolt in Quebec
Tuesday, July 24, 6:30pm. Old Council Chambers, Trades Hall, cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts, Carlton South. International guest speaker: Guillaume Legault, a leader of CLASSE, the main organisation representing Quebec's striking students. Post-secondary students in Quebec, Canada, began a massive strike in February against a proposed 75% increase in tuition fees. Massive protests are continuing despite a draconian new law to crush protests and the student associations.
Also speaking will be Colin Long, Victorian secretary, National Tertiary Education Union. In Australia, Victorian TAFE campuses are being slashed with hundreds of courses being axed, centres closed and student fees jumping to over $10,000 for many courses. University campuses are also experiencing cutbacks. This is a part of the neo-liberal project to privatise or slash public services in the interest of big business. Meanwhile profit-oriented private education institutions are flourishing. Organised byGreen Left Weekly & Resistance. For more info ph 9639 8622.

Public meeting
Malaysia: Hellhole for refugees
Tuesday, July 31, 6:30pm (meal from 6pm). Resistance Centre, level 5, 407 Swanston St, City (opposite RMIT). The mainstream politicians and media have closed ranks to present offshore processing of asylum seekers as the only 'solution' to the 'problem' of refugees. Any discussion about what life is like in Malaysia for refugees and asylum seekers has vanished from the media. The speaker will present the facts about what life is really like for refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia. International guest speaker:Chon Kai Choo, a leader of the Socialist Party of Malaysia. Organised by Socialist Alliance & Resistance. For more info ph 9639 8622.

A night of fun & politics
Green Left Weekly's 2012 Trivia Nite
Saturday, August 18; doors open 6:30pm. MUA Hall, 46-54 Ireland St, West Melbourne (near North Melbourne railway station). Fun & politics: prizes, games, raffles, auctions, table quizzes . . . Plus launch of new online media project Green Left TV.The revolution will be televised! Food & bar available. Organise a table of 6-10 or just bring yourself and/or a few friends and join one of our tables. Tickets: $30 solidarity, $20 waged, $10 concession. Book online at GLW Trivia Nite or call 9639 8622. A fundraiser for Green Left Weekly.

glw logo
This is the regular Melbourne activist calendar compiled by Green Left Weekly. Emailed to subscribers each Wednesday fortnight, it is a one-stop listing of the main left and progressive events in Melbourne and Geelong.
Since it began in early 1991, Green Left Weekly has offered an indispensable alternative to the lies of the big-business media and has helped build the various movements for social change. To subscribe to Green Left Weekly, visit our secure online website for rates and payment at Green Left Weekly or call our national hotline on 1800 634 206.
You can also contact us at the Resistance Centre, 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City; ph 9639 8622. In Geelongwe are at the Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4.30pm, Fri 10am-4.30pm); ph 5222 6900.
New email address? Not already receiving this calendar regularly? Want to subscribe someone else? Let us know at Greenleft Melbourne.

Save our TAFEs! Metropolitan rallies

Metropolitan TAFE rallies
Save our TAFEs!
This schedule may be subject to change) Visit TAFE 4 All for more info.
  • Tuesday, July 24. 12pm. The Rotunda, Victoria University, Nicholson St campus, Footscray
  • Wednesday, July 25. Chisholm TAFE, Dandenong
  • Wednesday, July 25. Chisholm TAFE, Frankston
  • Thursday, July 26. Holmesglen TAFE, Chadstone
  • Thursday, July 26 Kangan TAFE, Broadmeadows
  • Tuessday, July 31 Box Hill TAFE, Elgar Rd
  • Wednesday, August 1. William Angliss TAFE
  • Wednesday, August 1. NMIT, Preston
  • Thursday, August 2. RMIT, Melbourne
  • Thursday, August 2. Swinburne TAFE, Hawthorn
  • Thursday, August 8. Save Our Swinburne Campaign Committee invites the entire Outer Eastern community to come together & rally in support of saving Swinburne at Lilydale. 12 noon. Lilydale campus.
  • Thursday, August 16. Victorian statewide rally. 12pm. Parliament, cnr Spring & Bourke Sts, City.

Other coming events

Ongoing picket

Rally: Show your solidarity with the striking Coles warehouse workers. 500 Toll workers in Coles warehouse have been on strike indefinitely since 6am Tuesday, July 10. Police have been on site since Monday night in preparation. Community support needed 24 hours a day. Union Road, Somerton (near corner with Somerton Road). The nearest train station is Roxburgh Park, in zone two on the Craigieburn line. From the station walk back to Somerton Road, and over the railway bridge to the warehouse on the corner of Union Road and Somerton Road. The community assembly will be a short walk up Union Road. The walk from the station is 20 to 30 minutes. If you need a lift out to the dispute, call WSN on 0431 445 978. For more info about the dispute visit Workers Solidarity Network .

Wednesday, July 18
Rally: Public housing protest. Make a big noise to save public housing. Stop the corporations taking over. Demand real consultation. 12:30pm. Parliament House, cnr Spring & Bourke Sts, City. Please bring something to make noise. Organised by Friends of Public Housing. Supported by the Greens.
Film screening: The Battle of Chile. Followed by LASNET organising meeting. 6:30pm. LASNET space, Trades Hall, cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts, Carlton South. For more info ph 0425 539 149.
Campaign for Women's Reproductive Rights planning meeting. Contribute your ideas to CWRR's plans for a huge abortion rights rally on October 13 and the exciting activities leading up to this major action. Everyone's talents and energy are needed! Also hear Gaye Demanuele, a birthworker (former registered midwife), talk about informed choice and bodily autonomy in childbirth as another reproductive right under serious attack. Solidarity Salon, 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick. For more information, or to contact CWRR about how you want to support, email us at CWRR or phone 9388 0062.
Wednesday, July 18-Friday, July 27
Exhibition Artist Talk: GALLERY 1: #Occupy Mandatory Detention. Pro-refugee artist and activist Azlan McLennan presents #Occupy Mandatory Detention. This exhibition is a protest against the government's inhumane policies towards asylum seekers, in particular the 20 years since the implementation of mandatory detention. #OMD draws on the inspiration of the global Occupy movement against the dictates of the 1% and the inspiring courage and resistance shown by refugees incarcerated in Australia's concentration camps. Curated by the RMIT Refugee Action Collective. First Site Gallery, Storey Hall Basement, 344 Swanston St, City.
Thursday, July 19
Public meeting: Australians & modern slavery. Slavery did not end 200 years ago. There are 27 million slaves in the world today (poor and vulnerable people who are owned, bonded or trafficked): children, women, men, child soldiers, sex slaves, debt slaves. Slavery means that one person owns another. What does it mean to be owned? What is bondage and why is it slavery? Where does trafficking fit in the big picture of slavery? Who has the power to stop it happening? Join Roscoe Howell of Slavery Links Australia, as he outlines the forms of modern slavery and discusses how we can bring about change. This is a free event. Bookings are not required. 12:45-1:15pm. The Wheeler Centre, 176 Little Lonsdale St, City. For more info visit Wheeler Centre.
Friday, July 20-Sunday, July 22
Adelaide Conference: Resistance National Conference 2012. A time of revolution!International guest speakers: Shamikh Badra (student and youth activist with the Palestinian People's Party); Jayse Gardiner (Mana Party, NZ); Guillaume Legault (Quebecois student, member of CLASSE, the main organisation representing Quebec's striking students). University of Adelaide, Union House. For more info ph 0437 714 786 or visit Resistance.
Friday, July 20
Film screening: A Night of explosive short films: ACMI Red Hot Shorts. You'll be moved, shocked and inspired by this award-winning showcase that explores human rights situations around the globe. We'll be showing five films throughout the night: Grosso Calibre(violence in Rio's favelas); Bang for your Buck (grenade attacks in villages across Burundi);Azadi (set against 2002 Woomera Detention protests); Kamambo (Butterfly, a West Papuan child refugee in Australia); and Slaves (child slavery in Sudan). 7:30pm. ACMI, Federation Square, near cnr Swanston & Flinders Sts, City. $15 (conc/ACMI members $12). Tickets limited. Organised by Amnesty International. To book visit Red Hot Shorts .
Saturday, July 21
Public meeting: BZE presents: The path to zero emissions. Peter Castaldo from Beyond Zero Emissions will explain the plans to develop a blueprint for an Australia that emits zero carbon, all within 10 years. 1:30pm. Rosanna Library, 72 Turner St, Rosanna. For more info ph Yarra Plenty Regional Library 9459 6171.
Public meeting: Black July 83: Remembering silenced voices. Tamils of Victoria have organised an event to remember the thousands of Tamil civilians killed in a Sri Lankan government-sponsored pogrom in July 1983. In just six days Sinhala mobs supported by police and troops attacked Tamils in the island's south, killing over 4000 and driving the survivors into camps before they were deported to the northeast of the island, thereby ethnically cleansing the capital Colombo and other parts of the south. Every year, for 29 years, the Tamil people and our friends across the world have come together in July to remember this crucial turning point in our history. 6:30pm. St. Jude's Church Hall, 50 George St, Scoresby.
Monday, July 23
Trial verdict in Max Brenner case to be handed down. 9am. Magistrates Court, William St, City.
Report Launch: From laggard to leader. How Australia can lead the world to Zero Carbon. Beyond Zero Emissions is challenging the excuses for inaction with a new report that makes the case for Australian leadership on climate change. The report highlights the true extent of Australia’s influence over global emissions; demonstrates how the practical, problem-solving approach to sectoral decarbonisation advocated in the BZE Zero Carbon Australia Plans can be leveraged by Australia to achieve major emissions reductions globally while the UN negotiations remain deadlocked. Hosted by Beyond Zero Emissions in collaboration with Melbourne Energy Institute, Centre for Sustainability Leadership and Centre for Public Policy, University of Melbourne. For more info ph 8383 2232 or visitBeyond Zero Emissions .
Tuesday, July 24
Public meeting: Degrees of debt: Student revolt in Quebec. International guest speaker: Guillaume Legault (from CLASSE, the main organisation representing Quebec's striking students) & Colin Long ( Victorian secretary, National Tertiary Education Union). Post-secondary students in Quebec, Canada, began a massive strike in February against a proposed 75% increase in tuition fees. Massive protests are continuing despite a new draconian law to cripple protests and the student associations. In Australia, Victorian TAFE campuses are being slashed with hundreds of courses being axed, campuses being closed and student fees jumping to over $10,000 for many courses. University campuses are also experiencing cutbacks. This is a part of the neo-liberal project to privatise or slash public services in the interest of big business. Meanwhile private education institutions are run as businesses for profit. 6:30pm. Old Council Chambers, Trades Hall, cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts, Carlton South. Organised by Green Left Weekly & Resistance. For more info ph 9639 8622.
Wednesday, July 25
Public meeting: From 'stop the boats' to 'human rights': Shifting the debate on refugees. Speakers: Adam Bandt (Greens MP); Julian Burnside; Pamela Curr (Asylum Seeker Resource Centre). 6:30pm. Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth St, City. Co-hosted by Refugee Action Collective & the Refugee Advocacy Network.
Public meeting: Lighter Footprints climate action group monthly meeting. At the July meeting we are delighted to have Hannah Aulby from BZE who will talk to us about the very exciting Australia-wide campaign to Repower Port Augusta: a solar future for South Australia. 7pm (for 7:30pm start). Guide Hall, Faversham Rd, Canterbury. All welcome. Entry: Gold coin donation. For more info ph Carolyn Ingvarson 9836 0925 or 0411 115 186.
Thursday, July 26
Concert: The Decline. Featuring their new album of humourous socio-political punk tunes. 7pm. The Tote, 71 Johnston St, Collingwood.
Friday, July 27
Public meeting: Environmental justice symposium. 'Environmental justice' was coined in the 1980s US by activists and academics to describe the unequal racial distribution of environmentally harmful activities. This symposium will explore the idea that 'environmental justice' has a particular relevance in Australia across a range of issues. Speakers: Brad Jessup (Centre for Resources, Energy and Environmental Law, University of Melbourne); Cheryl Batagol (Victorian EPA); Cam Walker ( Friends of the Earth); Darren Parker (University of Melbourne School of Law); Damien Sullivan (Brotherhood of St Laurence); Colleen Hartland (MLC, Greens). 9am-5pm. University of Melbourne Law School, 185 Pelham St, Carlton. Places limited. To RSVP email Elizabeth McKinnon or ph 9341 8107.
Exhibition Artist Talk: GALLERY 1: #Occupy Mandatory Detention. Pro-refugee artist and activist Azlan McLennan presents #Occupy Mandatory Detention. This exhibition is a protest against the government's inhumane policies towards asylum seekers, in particular the 20 years since the implementation of mandatory detention. #OMD draws on the inspiration of the global Occupy movement against the dictates of the 1% and the inspiring courage and resistance shown by refugees incarcerated in Australia’s concentration camps. Curated by the RMIT Refugee Action Collective. 1pm. First Site Gallery, Storey Hall Basement, 344 Swanston St, City.
Rally: Reclaim QV Square! Reclaim Melbourne's public squares from corporate control. On July 1, 2011, 19 Palestine solidarity activists were arrested at a BDS protest against Max Brenner in QV Square. The precedent-setting case went to trial in May this year, and the verdict is going to be handed down on Monday, July 23. Regardless of the outcome in court, Students for Palestine defends the right to protest in public places such as QV Square, and will continue to rally in support of Palestine in Melbourne. Students for Palestine invites all supporters to help us reclaim QV Square. 5:30pm. QV Melbourne, cnr Swanston & Lonsdale Sts, City.
Friday, July 27-Sunday, July 29
Conference: Ideas to change the world. A weekend of ideas to challenge capitalism. Over the last year we have seen and been involved in vastly different struggles taking on the system. The world rose as one to Occupy and the Arab spring rocked the very foundations of the system. This is not enough; we need sustained action against the government and bosses threatening our lives. Trades Hall, cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts, Carlton South. There will be free child care and food available throughout the conference. Presented by Renegade Activists Action Force (RAAF). For program & more info email RAAF or ph 0422 743 573.
Saturday, July 28
Rally: Defend the Fertility Control Clinic. 10am. Fertility Control Clinic, 118 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne (between Powlett & Simpson Sts).
Public meeting: The new face of imperialism & war. Part of Renegade Activists 2012 Ideas to Change the World conference. This session will explore how wars are being fought on new battle lines with new weapons and rules. Unmanned drones are becoming commonplace. Unaccountable mercenaries such as the Zetas are fighting governments' wars. This session will arm activists with current information about how wars have changed. We will discuss how we can respond accordingly. Speakers: Colm McNaughton (journalist & Walkley Award recipient); Jessica Morrison (organiser, Swan Island Peace Convergence); Jacob Grech (OzPeace and Renegade Activists, long time anti-war campaigner). 4pm. Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton South.
Public meeting: Environment, climate change & population. Part of Renegade Activists 2012 Ideas to Change the World conference. Speaker: co-author of Too Many People?: Population, Immigration and the Environmental Crisis & co-editor of Green Left Weekly. Are there too many people? Is the Carbon Tax a welcome commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Why are these questions still even being entertained by people in progressive social movements and the left? Human made climate change is the biggest problem facing the world. But sections of the environment movement still blame the working class and the poor, without pointing the finger squarely at those who control our resources. 2:15pm. Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton South.
Tuesday, July 31
Rally: Save Arts at La Trobe University. La Trobe Students Against HUSS Cuts is organising a rally in week two of semester against the proposed cuts to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences the university is trying to implement. It's time to take a stand for quality education at La Trobe 12noon. Agora, La Trobe University, Bundoora.
Public meeting: Malaysia: Hellhole for refugees. The mainstream politicians and media have closed ranks to present offshore processing of asylum seekers as the only 'solution' to the 'problem' of refugees. Any discussion about what life is like in Malaysia for refugees and asylum seekers has vanished from the media. The speaker will present the facts about what life is really like for refugees and asylum seekers in Malaysia. Guest speaker: Chon Kai Choo (Socialist Party of Malaysia). 6:30pm (meal from 6pm). Resistance Centre, level 5, 407 Swanston St, City (opposite RMIT). Organised by Socialist Alliance & Resistance. For more info ph 9639 8622.
Public meeting: Education: Equality or gold-plated privilege? Speakers: Angelo Gavrielatos (Australian Education Union federal president); Maxine McKew (former ALP MP & journalist); Richard Teese (professor of Post-compulsory Education & training, Melbourne University); Rob Durbridge (former federal secretary of the AEU). 7pm. Meeting Room 1, Trades Hall, cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts, Carlton South. $10/$5. Presented by The New International Bookshop & The Search Foundation. For more info ph 9662 3744 or emailNIBS.
Film screening: Farmageddon. Real food campaigner Ed Adamthwaite will present a movie detailing the alarming manner in which our right to access fresh, healthy foods of our choice is under attack. At the same time, policies are favouring agribusiness and factory farms over small family-operated farms selling fresh foods to their communities. Film followed by discussion. 7pm. Community House, via Charles St, Selby. Gold coin donation to cover light supper. For more info ph 9754 2039.
Wednesday, August 1–Sunday, August 19
Theatre: UnAustralia. 'Look . . . I'm not a racist, but . . .' Crulla Beach represents the Australian dream. A paradise of white sand and blue sky stretching as far as the eye can see. But when a lifeguard is beaten by a young man of 'middle-eastern appearance' some start to question who really is a 'local'? And more importantly, who are the 'real' Australians? 'A powerful production with many questions, honest portrayals and an unwavering commitment to portray a reality that many locals experience living in this country' (Australian Stage). Wed & Sun: 6:30pm; Thu, Fri & Sat: 7:30pm. Running time: 80 minutes.
Friday, August 3
Fundraiser: Friends of Aileu trivia night in aid of Timor-Leste (East Timor). Booking is now open for this fabulous night of fun and entertainment, with comedian Rod Quantock, to be held at the Coburg Town Hall. All proceeds go to projects in Aileu District in Timor-Leste, particularly towards tertiary scholarships for local students. Book a table of ten or just come along and join us. Bring your own drinks and BYO basket supper. Live and silent auctions, raffle,great prizes! 7pm (for 7:30pm start). $40/$20. For more info email Richard Brown or ph 0407 091 004.
Fundraiser: Re-power trivia & auction night. Prominent climate scientist David Karolywill host. Proceeds raised from the evening of entertainment will go towards Yarra Climate Action Now's community solar project. A drink and nibbles will be provided on arrival, with organic beer and wine also available for purchase. Items on auction include an Allegro Bike and a Hot Air Balloon ride amongst others. Door 7:30pm (trivia starts 8pm). Fitzroy Town Hall. Tickets:$20 per person or 180 for a table of 8-10 people. To book visit Bookings.
Fundraiser: Solidarity dinner. Supporting LASNET projects in Latin America. 7pm. Bar-bistro restaurant, 14 Smith St, Collingwood. $20. For more info ph 0425 539 149.
Saturday, August 4
Melbourne anarchist bookfair. Stalls of book sellers and activist groups will be accompanied by workshops and skillshares on the ideas of anarchism and how they relate to climate justice, radical education, justice for refugees, and much more. 10am-6pm. Abbotsford Convent, 1 St Heliers St, Abbotsford. For full program & more info visitMelbourne anarchist bookfair.
Public meeting: 100% renewable campaign strategy & tactics workshop. Workshop to flesh out in more detail the tactics for the next phase of the 100% renewable campaign. On registering you will receive the strategy proposal and movement and allies feedback summary. Please read the documents before the workshop. 10am-5pm. Holden Street Neighbourhood House, 128 Holden St, North Fitzroy (between 86 tram on St Georges Rd & 96 tram on Nicholson). Hosted by Yarra Climate Action Now (YCAN). Donations to help pay for the workshop gratefully received (suggested $20/$10). To register visit 100% renewable. For more info ph Dean 0448 327 791 or Andrew 0421 379 646.
Film screening: How to survive a plague. An improbable group of mostly HIV-positive young men and women broke the mould as radical warriors taking on Washington and the medical establishment. Set at the height of the AIDS threat in the 80s, the film is the story of two coalitions, ACT UP and TAG (Treatment Action Group), whose activism and innovation turned the disease from a death sentence into a manageable condition. Filmmaker David France puts the viewer smack in the middle of the controversial actions, the heated meetings, the heartbreaking failures and the exultant breakthroughs of heroes in the making, many of who became self-taught experts in virology, biology and chemistry in order to achieve what the medical researchers seemingly couldn't. 6:30pm. Greater Union Cinema 3. To book visit MIFF.
Sunday, August 5
Concert: Hiroshima &amp Nagasaki Peace Concert 2012. Speakers: Rober Tickner (CEO Australian Red Cross); Peter Karamoskos (Medical Association for Prevention of War). Performers: Junko Morimoto (author of My Hiroshima; Carmen Warrington (Tibetan singing bowl); April Maze (acoustic duo); SKIN (Indigenous choir); Leigh Sloggett (slide guitar); Noriko Tadano (Shamisen). 3-5pm. Village Roadshow Theatrette, State Library of Victoria, cnr La Trobe & Swanston Sts, City (enter via La Trobe St). $15/$10. Presented by Japanese for Peace. For more info ph 0413 849 984 or visit JFP.
Film Screening: The law in these parts. Can a modern democracy retain its democratic values while imposing a military occupation on another state? This is the question posed by director Ra’anan Alexandrowicz (James' Journey To Jerusalem, MIFF 04) in this, the latest of his meticulously researched documentaries. He zones in on the legal framework behind Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories, asking some hard questions of the system's architects (military judges and attorneys) in order to justify the laws in light of their consequences. 6:30pm. Greater Union Cinema 5. To book visit MIFF.
Monday, August 6
Vigil to mark the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. 7-9am. Steps of St Paul's Cathedral, cnr Swanston & Flinders Sts, City.
Film screening: We are legion: The story of the Hacktivists. Having redefined civil disobedience for the digital age and attracted the attention of the masses with a series of audacious online protests and attacks, radical 'hacktivist' collective Anonymous sheds at least some of its anonymity in this revealing documentary. Detailing the progress of Anonymous from its inception on notorious website 4chan, the filmmakers provide a social and historical context from which the group has risen to become a global power collective that, despite being labelled criminal by the authorities, is as often as not viewed as a force for good: outing paedophiles, defending WikiLeaks and actively supporting the Arab Spring uprisings. 9pm. Kino Cinemas. To book visit MIFF.
Monday, August 6-Friday, August 10
Exhibition: Voices from inside detention: Diversity Week art installation on refugee stories. The Melbourne University Refugee Action Collective invites you to learn about the stories of people who have been refugees and/or asylum seekers through a week-long interactive art installation as part of Diversity Week 2012. Features works illustrating the situation facing refugees in Australia, their experiences of homeland dislocation and the conditions which push people to seek asylum. The installation will run for the entirety of Diversity Week, from August 6 to 10. 10am-5pm. North Court, The University of Melbourne.
Tuesday, August 7
August vigil against the war in Afghanistan. 4:30-6:30pm. Steps of Flinders St station, City.
Film screening: The house I live in. Already being hailed a masterpiece, and winner of the Grand Jury Prize for Documentary at this year's Sundance Film Festival, Eugene Jarecki's film is the definitive critique of 40 years of America's War on Drugs, a war that has cost one trillion dollars, turned the country into the world's biggest jailer and, in its targeting of minorities, had profound human rights implications. 9pm. Greater Union Cinema 6, Russell St, City. To book visit MIFF.
Wednesday, August 8
Rally: Save Swinburne Lilydale Campus Swinburne has announced it will be closing the Lilydale Campus by July 1, 2013 and all students will be moved either to Hawthorn, Wantirna or online. This will leave many students having to travel large distances each day at a huge disadvantage to themselves. It also puts stress on existing capacity constraints at other campuses. There is still hope though! We can fight to save our campus. 12 noon. Swinburne University Of Technology, Lilydale Campus.
Film screening: Beasts of the southern wild. Set in the lush southern Louisiana bayou, where six-year-old Hushpuppy lives with her father, Wink, in a sinkhole shantytown named The Bathtub, Beasts of the Southern Wild is part magic realist flood fable to rival Noah's and part dreamlike coming-of-age survival film. As Hushpuppy, splendidly played by Quvenzhané Wallis, leads us through her shabby, beautiful, post-apocalyptic surroundings (complete with prehistoric pig creatures) she weaves an ultimately upbeat modern-day mythology for our global warming-threatened world. 9pm. Forum Theatre, 154 Flinders St, City. To book visit MIFF.
Film screening: Call me kuchu. In Uganda, a new bill threatens to introduce the death penalty for homosexuality, and jail terms for anyone who fails to turn in a known homosexual. David Kato – the country’s first openly gay man – and his fellow GLBTI (or 'kuchu') activists work against the clock to defeat the legislation while also combating vicious daily persecution. But no one is prepared for the brutal murder that shakes their movement to the core and sends shockwaves around the world. 6:30pm. Greater Union Cinema 4. To book visit MIFF.
Thursday, August 9
Public meeting: Alternatives to mandatory detention. The 20th anniversary of mandatory detention is a reminder that the detention of refugees upon arrival has not always been a part of Australia's refugee policy. As part of the week, Melbourne Uni Refugee Action Collective will be hosting a open-air public forum on the topic of alternatives to mandatory detention. 1pm. North Court, Melbourne University.
Public meeting: Nagasaki Day workshop. A workshop on the nuclear risks to Australia posed by US bases. Speakers: Richard Tanter & Dimity Hawkings. 6pm tea and coffee for 6.30pm start. Trades Hall, 54 Victoria St, Carlton South.
Film screening: How to survive a plague. See entry above. 9pm. Forum Cinema. To book visit MIFF.
Friday, August 10
Film screening: Beasts of the southern wild. See entry above. 6:30pm. Greater Union Cinema 6, Russell st, City. To book visit MIFF.
Film screening: Coniston. More than 80 years after the brutal slaughter of 100 or more Aboriginal people in Central Australia, survivors and their descendants tell their story in Coniston. Known as 'the Coniston Massacres', the punitive expeditions that set out in August 1928 mowed down innocent people across the traditional lands of the Warlpiri people and their neighbours. The motive was to avenge the killing of dingo trapper Fred Brooks, who took liberties with the wife of a Warlpiri tribesman. Using their acclaimed hybrid docu-drama approach to filmmaking, the directors allow Indigenous people to speak with authority about their own recent history and the deep shadow it has cast over their country. 6:30pm. Kino Cinemas. MIFF
Saturday, August 11
Rally: Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody 2012 winter action. 31st anniversary of the death of Eddie Murray in Wee Waa (June 12); 5th anniversary of an all white jury acquitting Chris Hurley (June 20); 27th anniversary of the suspicious prison death of Douglas Scott (July 5); 2nd anniversary of the gagging of Lex Wotton when released on bail (July 19); 25th anniversary of Bob Hawke's announcement of the establishment of the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (August 10). 11am. Old GPO, cnr Bourke & Elizabeth Sts, City.
Rally: Equal Love rally and mid-winter vows 1pm. State Library, cnr Swanston & La Trobe Sts, City.
Sunday, August 12
Rally: No offshore processing. Welcome refugees. Resettle all refugees from Indonesia &amp Malaysia 1pm. State Library, cnr Swanston & La Trobe Sts, City.
Film screening: Call me kuchu. See entry above. 6:45pm. Greater Union Cinema 3. For bookings visit MIFF.
Tuesday, August 14
Film Screening: The house I live in See entry above. 6:30pm. Greater Union Cinema 3, Russell st, City. To book visit MIFF.
Friday, August 17
Film screening: The law in these parts. See entry above. 11am. Forum Theatre. To book visit MIFF.
Saturday, August 18
Fundraiser: Green Left Weekly 2012 trivia night. Fun & politics: prizes, games, raffles, auctions, table quizzes . . . Plus launch of new online media project Green Left TV: The revolution will be televised! Food & bar available. Organise a table of 6-10 or just bring yourself and/or a few friends and join one of our tables. Tickets: $30 solidarity, $20 waged, $10 concession. Book online at GLW Trivia Nite or call 9639 8622. A fundraiser for Green Left Weekly
Sunday, August 19
Film screening: We are legion: The story of the Hacktivists Having redefined civil disobedience for the digital age and attracted the attention of the masses with a series of audacious online protests and attacks, radical 'hacktivist' collective Anonymous sheds at least some of its anonymity in this revealing documentary. Detailing the progress of Anonymous from its inception on notorious website 4chan, the filmmakers provide a social and historical context from which the group has risen to become a global power collective that, despite being labelled criminal by the authorities, is as often as not viewed as a force for good. 6:30pm. Greater Union Cinema 4. To book, visit MIFF.
Tuesday, August 28
Public meeting: Media: Ethics & public manipulation. Speakers: Robert Manne; Kenneth Davidson; Louise Connor. 7pm. Meeting Room 1, Trades Hall, cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts, Carlton South. $10/$5. Presented by New International Bookshop & The Search Foundation. For more info ph 9662 3744 or email NIBS.
Saturday, September 1
Rally: SlutWalk Melbourne 2012. Prepare to walk, roll, holler or stomp with us through the streets of Melbourne, because it is still never okay to blame the victim. In solidarity with international cities, SlutWalk Melbourne stands against victim-blaming and slut-shaming. We are asking you to join us for SlutWalk, to make a unified statement about sexual assault and victims' rights and to demand respect for all. Any gender-identification, any age. Singles, couples, parents, sisters, brothers, children, friends. We are tired of being oppressed by slut-shaming; of being judged by our sexuality and feeling unsafe as a result. Being in charge of our sexual lives should not mean that we are opening ourselves to an expectation of violence, regardless if we participate in sex for pleasure or work. 2pm. State Library, cnr Swanston & La Trobe Sts, City.
Wednesday, September 5
Rally: Teachers' stop-work meeting. Rod Laver Arena.
Tuesday, September 25
Public meeting: The NT Intervention & 'Stronger Futures': Paternalism by a new name. 7pm. Meeting Room 1, Trades Hall, cnr Victoria & Lygon Sts, Carlton South. $10/$5. Presented by The New International Bookshop & The Search Foundation. For more info ph 9662 3744 or email NIBS.

Geelong & regional Victoria

Friday, July 20
Geelong Red Cinema: Even the rain. A film about Bolivia's fight against water privatisation. 7pm (meal from 6:30pm). Downstairs, Trades hall, 127 Myers St, Geelong. Organised by Socialist Alliance in support of Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 9639 8622 or 0438 304 326.

Campaign committees

Quit Coal: No New Coal Power for Victoria. A Melbourne-based collective which campaigns against expansion of the coal industry in Victoria. We believe this is important because building new coal infrastructure locks in decades of dirty, old technology, when we should be moving towards clean, renewable energy. Quit Coal meets each Wednesday at 6pm, at FOE, 312 Smith St, Collingwood. For more info visit Quit Coal or call Shaun 0402 337 077.
Refugee Action Collective (RAC). Established in 2000, RAC is a democratic, grassroots activist collective, representing a broad cross section of the community. It aims to mobilise opposition to Australia's inhuman refugee policies. For more info ph 0413 377 978 or visitRAC.
Friends of the Earth's Anti-nuclear &amp Clean Energy (ACE) collective meetings.Wednesdays. FoE office, 312 Smith St, Collingwood. For meeting times &amp more info email Zin.
Victorian Climate Action Calendar. For a comprehensive list of climate action events in our state. The VCAC covers events in Victoria and major events elsewhere and is intended to inform, educate and inspire. To subscribe to the calendar email Monique Decortis. Weekly updates are e-mailed out and online updates are available at VCAC. To add an event to the calendar, please download the Event Template from the website. Feel free to forward the VCAC to other interested people.
Workers Solidarity Network. Workers Solidarity Network (WSN) believes that we, as workers, have the power to improve our working conditions and bring about positive social change. WSN believes that our country is not a real democracy unless we have democratic workplaces where workers have a say. WSN believes that the only way to bring about a fairer share of resources in our society in by forming active unions and community organisations to fight for it. WSN meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 6.30pm at 52 Victoria Street, Carlton (the CEPU building next to Trades Hall). For more info visit WSN.
Geelong Refugee Advocacy Group. Refugee Advocacy Group meets every second Friday, 4:30pm, upstairs, Socialist Alliance office in Geelong Trades Hall. All welcome. Planning for a speakout against mandatory detention at 5pm on June 15. Also planning a contingent to leave Geelong on the train to attend World Refugee Day in Melbourne on June 17.


Recent articles from Green Left Weekly

Check out our new project: Green Left TV. Melbourne rally tells government: 'Bring Assange home'; & much more.

To subscribe to Green Left Weekly visit our secure online website for rates and payment at Green Left Weekly or call our national hotline on 1800 634 206. Join us onFacebook. You can also contact us at the Resistance Centre, 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City; ph 9639 8622. In Geelong: Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4.30pm, Fri 10am-4.30pm); ph 5222 6900.

Broad, non-sectarian, activist
Socialist Alliance
Socialist Alliance is a proud supporter of the Green Left Weekly project and contributes a regular column. Socialist Alliance is a broad, non-sectarian socialist coalition, dedicated to bringing together all those who want to resist the capitalist assault on our planet and its people and fight for a socialist society that puts people's needs before business profits. Anyone who agrees with the general approach of our policies is welcome to join and organisations are invited to affiliate. For more information visit Socialist Alliance Victoria. Join us on Facebook. See our recent statements:

Contact Socialist Alliance. Join with other socialists in the struggle. Melbourne:Visit us at the Resistance Centre, 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City; ph 9639 8622. In Melbourne, Socialist Alliance meets on the first Tuesday of each month, 6.30pm, at the Resistance Centre. Geelong: Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4.30pm, Fri 10am-4.30pm); ph 5222 6900.

Links: 'socialism for the 21st century'
Links is an online journal which seeks to provide a forum for open and constructive dialogue between active socialists from different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social policies, and reject the bureaucratic model of 'socialism' that arose in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Inspired by the unfolding socialist revolution in Venezuela,Links is a journal for 'Socialism of the 21st Century' and the discussions and debates flowing from that powerful example of socialist renewal.

Join the Resistance
Resistance is a broad socialist youth organisation which campaigns for feminism and workers rights, for real action on climate change, and against war, racism and oppression. Resistance is affiliated to the Socialist Alliance. Meet us at the Resistance Centre, 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City (Druids House, opposite RMIT).
For more info call 9639 8622. Visit Resistance; join us on FacebookIn Geelongcontact us at the Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4.30pm, Fri 10am-4.30pm); ph 5222 6900.
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