Friday 29 June 2012

Decades ago I joined my first environmental organisation. Now it's celebrating 50 years - Wildlife Preservation Society of Qld

The first environment organisation I ever joined, the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, is celebrating 50 years of activities this year.  

Networkers might be interested to join in the celebrations.  See, the document below to plan how you will join in.

When I think of what I have learned over a lifetime and reflect on what a naive, know nothing, enthusiast I was way back then!  My husband and I joined - I think perhaps it was because some of our friends did.  We were living in Toowoomba in Queensland.  

The membership was small and trying to establish itself (this would have been late 60s or, more probably, the early 70s).  The bit I do remember after all the decades is that Judith Wright visited Toowoomba and I was the only one available (being a non-working mum back in those days) to look after her.  I remember going out on the edge of the Toowoomba Range where Ian Leslie (he had been at Toowoomba's Channel 10 for donkey's years and looked as if that would be where he would stay - but he went on to national fame on 60 Minutes) interviewed her.  

Toowoomba Garden Festival
Toowoomba Garden Festival
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A couple of years ago, when a friend and I went to Braidwood to the Two Fires Festival, Don Henry (formerly the WPS director - see details below) was there and mentioned his days with the WPS.  As a matter of interest, he asked was anyone in the audience ever a member back then.  A few hands, including mine, went up. All rather fitting considering the connection between Judith Wright and the Festival.

Don's details taken from here.

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