Monday 7 May 2012

Dale Hess - Calendar - 20120507 to 20120927

Monday 7 May, 6 pm: Book launch: Bigger or Better? Australia's Population Debate. Join the Hon. Dr Barry Jones at Readings Hawthorn as he launches my new book Bigger or Better? Australia's Population Debate. Professor Ian Lowe - author, pre-eminent scientist and president of the Australian Conservation Foundation -  takes an objective look at the implications of increasing population growth and discusses how it affects all Australians. Bigger or Better? Australia's Population Debate provides an historic account of Australia's population growth and an analysis of the data, whilst making the complex and controversial issues around population accessible to readers. Readings Bookshop, 701 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn. Free, no bookings required. Tel: 9819 1917.

Tuesday 8 May, 4.30 pm: Vigil Against the Afghanistan War. Is Australia withdrawing from theAfghanistan war? It seems clear that our military involvement is looking at continuing for quite some time yet. So let's keep the message strong: Stop the war. When we mean withdraw, we really mean withdraw. Parliament Station, Spring Street, Melbourne.

Saturday 12 May, 11 am - 3.30 pm: Awakening the Dreamer, Changing the Dream Symposium. What world are we passing onto future generations? Join the groundswell of global citizens waking up to the unique role we each have to play in creating a future that is worth passing onto our children and grandchildren. Venue: Glen Park Community Centre, Bayswater. Cost: $30 / $15 Concession (lunch included). RSVP / inquiries:  Contact Jane on 0416 279 811

Wednesday 16 May, 7 pm: Law Week Event 16 May: Debbie Mortimer SC and Jomary Ortegon from Colombia. A lawyer in Australia can stand up in court without feeling personally at risk. Sadly, the same is not the case everywhere. Lawyers in some countries are regularly subjected to threats against themselves or their families are physically attacked and even abducted and forcibly "disappeared" simply for doing their jobs. In Colombia alone, in recent times as many as 25 year lawyers have been killed each year. Join Debbie Mortimer, Chair of the Human Rights Committee, Victorian Bar and Jomary Ortegon, lawyer with CCAJAR, Colombia (via skype) for a discussion of the threats faced by human rights lawyers in Colombia and around the world, and what assistance the Australian community can offer. Find out how you can support human rights lawyers at risk. Venue: DLA Piper, Level 21, 140 William Street. Refreshments provided. Further info: 9016 3769. Website:

Thursday 17 May, 6 pm - 7.30 pm: Human rights, protest and police surveillance:

a forum on intelligence gathering and monitoring of public protest.

Recent news reports have revealed the increasingly widespread and targeted involvement of state and federal police, ASIO and even private agencies in monitoring groups and individuals participating in public protest. In the courts, a case currently underway at VCAT* is challenging police powers to collect and retain footage of people at protests in relation to a 2010 climate change protest at Hazelwood Power Station in the Latrobe Valley. This forum brings together experts in law, human rights and surveillance, as well as individuals who have sought to protect their privacy through the courts, and asks: What kind of monitoring and surveillance techniques are currently being utilised? What are the effects of this practice from a democratic and human rights perspective? What legal protections are available and how adequate are they? The event is open to all who have an interest in learning about and addressing this critical human rights issue. Caripis v Victoria Police VCAT ref. HP21/2011. Speakers: Michael Pearce SC, Barrister and Former President of Liberty Victoria;Anthony Kelly, Executive Officer, Flemington & Kensington Community Legal Centre, and trainer with Pt'chang Nonviolent Community Safety Group; Anna Brown, Solicitor and Director of Advocacy and Strategic Litigation, Human Rights Law Centre; Special guests, Chris Heislers and Jan Beer, will talk about their experiences of being monitored for opposing the desalination plant and North-South pipeline and their subsequent legal challenge. Venue: Melbourne City Conference Centre Chapel, 333 Swanston Street, (Cnr Little Lonsdale and Swanston Streets), or telephone 9905 3327.     

Sunday 20 May, 10 am - 7 pm: Perry Street Festival Rocks Again ! Celebrating a vibrant thirty five year history in Fitzroy and Collingwood, Friends of the Earth with the support of the City ofYarra, is throwing our excellent little street festival to embrace eclectic Collingwood. In the fine tradition of a festival that is growing with each passing year, this 2012 festival is shaping up to be a pearler! Where else can you find homemade crafts and clothing. Where else will you be able to rummage through racks of second hand clothes, funky junk that are still within a cooee of the average punters pocket? Where else in one place can you find organic fresh juices and delicious vegetarian food, cakes, sweets food, books, plants and information and people to talk about issues of importance to the planet and its peoples? To set the mood for everyone to enjoy there is a fabulous array of local talent coming out of to entertain Collingwood. Music is the key to the joyful atmosphere of the day and this year’s line up is an eclectic mix of indie pop, hip-hop,  surf rock and folky tunes. Come along and enjoy the day! For more information phone Beth 9417 4382 Smith St. (Corner Perry Street and Smith Street, Collingwood)

Saturday 2 June, 9 am: Oases Breakfast: Sufficient for the day: a response to global warming. Dr Geoff Lacey will discuss his recent book about responding to climate change. As always can you please RSVP to or call on 9819-3502 and leave a message. It helps us to have enough food if you do RSVP. $25/$15 (incls. breakfast). Augustine Centre, 2 Minona StreetHawthorn.

Melbourne, Tuesday 19 June, 6.30 pm - 8 pm:  Public Meeting: US Forces in Australia: Security or Risk? Public meeting organised by MAPW and partners to discuss the expansion of US military presence in Australia and consider a campaign for a more peaceful course. There's a growing movement around Australia challenging this new direction in our foreign policy, assisting the USchange course. Main speakers are Professor Richard Tanter (on the expansion of US bases) and writer Nic Maclellan (implications for our region). As well, Maki Yohana will explain why Okinawans campaign against their massive US bases; and there will be a speaker from the Philippines and time for discussion. Trades Hall, Meeting Room 1 (enter at 54 Victoria Street Carlton). Free and all welcome.

Sunday 1 July - Wednesday 4 July: Jewish-Christian-Muslim Conference: The Prophet Motif - Meeting the Divine Challenge Today. This conference will explore the historical, social and spiritual dimensions of prophets and how we might hear God's voice and meet the divine challenge for our own times in a variety of different ways and with the unique JCMA mix of studying, discussing, praying, eating and sharing as we get to meet each other as people of faith in Australia. Venue: Conference Centre, Pallotti College80 McNamaras Rd, Millgrove (Melways: Map 289 A2).  Single room: $365 per person; Single sharing: $335 per person; Couple: $660 per couple Sunday Taster: $50 per person. Further information: 9650 3294;;

Wednesday 11 July - Sunday 22 July: Olympic Dam & Lizards Revenge Tour. Anti-nuclear & Clean energy's (ACE) Olympic Dam exposure tour 2012. From the organiser's of the Friends of the Earth radioactive exposure tour, join the ACE crew for this years Olympic Dam & Lizards revenge activists.  We will travel from Melbourne along BHP Billiton's proposed path of destruction to the heart of the South Australia's semi arid landscape. Travelling to the precious mound springs, Lake Eyre, the Lizards revenge DIY music blockade, the spectacular Gammon & Flinders Ranges, plus much more. Hear first hand from the people who are fighting for their country & the people who support their struggle against the worlds largest mining company. Total cost of tour will include travel, guides, accommodation & all organic vegan/vegetarian, G.F, food provided. Contact: Tully Starr 0410 388 187 or Zin Rain 0408 165 735. Email: Cost: $400 conc, $750 waged & $900 solidarity.

Saturday 14 July - Friday 20 July: The Lizard's Revenge - Olympic Dam expansion music/art/festival/protest. ... Sleeping underneath the ground there is an old lizard, Kalta the sleepy lizard. The lizard ain't so sleepy anymore. BHP is mining right into that Lizards body. The government has just approved an expansion of the Olympic Dam uranium mine, making it the biggest uranium mine in the world. Kalta is angry and wants revenge. Arabana elder Kevin Buzzacott is calling the people of the world to help the lizard shut down the mine. He is calling for people to come and heal the land in the name of peace and justice for the next 10,000 generations to come. The land is being irreversibly poisoned in and around Roxby Downs by the tailings dam causing dust and ground water contamination, and contamination of its workers. Party in a Dangerous Planet with Theatre, Cabaret and Art installations. Over 20 musical acts. Solar Powered sound system extravaganza and wind powered cinema. Location: Olympic Dam, Roxby Downs gates of hell - South Australia. Contact Email: Website: Hosted by the DLF - Desert Liberation Front in response to the governments decision to expand Olympic Dam mine.

Monday 20 August - Friday 14 September: Walking for Country. Walkatjurra Walkabout is a pilgrimage across Wangkatja country in the spirit of our ancestors so together, we as present custodians, can protect our land and our culture for future generations. Walking for Country is to reconnect people with land and culture. My people have resisted destructive mining on our land and our sacred sites for generations. For over forty years we have fought to stop uranium mining at Yeelirrie, we stopped the removal of sacred stones from Weebo and for the last twenty years we have stoped destruction of 200 sites at Yakabindie. We are not opposed to responsible development, but cannot stand wanton destruction of our land, our culture, and our environment. We invite all people, from all places, to come together to walk with us, to send a clear message that we want the environment here, and our sacred places left alone.  Kado Muir, Traditional Owner, Yeelirrie. This walk will be lead by the Walkatjurra Rangers, in partnership with Footprints for Peace, Western Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (WANFA), the Anti Nuclear Alliance of Western Australia (ANAWA) and the Conservation Council of Western Australia (CCWA).  ALL WELCOME to JOIN for an hour, a day, a few weeks or the whole way. Email: walk4country@gmail.comPhone: 0421 816 846 (Laura). Website:  [Position open for Publicity and Communications Intern to work with the Organising Committee in all matters related to media and publicity.  The Intern would be responsible for liaising with all media in the lead up, duration and immediate period following the upcoming event Walkatjurra Walkabout - Walking for Country.  Any inquiries, 0421 816 846 (Laura)].

Sunday 23 September - Thursday 27 September: Swan Island Peace Convergence 2012.There is no end for this war in sight, and many of us feel powerless to stop it. Join us in Queenscliff,Victoria, for a week of learning about and nonviolently resisting the war: nonviolence training, community engagement, peace vigils, blockade the bridge to Swan Island military base where the SAS troops are trained for active combat in Afghanistan. Further info:

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