Wednesday 21 March 2012

United Nations Association of Australia (Vic) - Business and Human Rights Workshops

An invitation to the United Nations Association of Australia (Vic) 
Business and Human Rights Workshops

The upcoming 
United Nations Association of Australia (Vic) Business and Human Rights Workshops – a corporate responsibility and sustainability leadership training program - may be of interest to you and your networks. Registration deadline for the first Melbourne workshop in the series is 22 March. Any assistance in promoting the program to your networks would be greatly appreciated.

The workshops, supported by AAR,  will be facilitated by Vanessa Zimmerman, Former Legal Advisor to the UN Special Representative on Business and Human Rights and Principal Human Rights Advisor, Rio Tinto,with guest speakers including Shane Lucas, Group Head of Sustainable Development, ANZ and Dr Alexandra Guaqueta, Member of the UN Working Group Human Rights, Transnational Corporations and Other Businesses and the World Economic Forum Global Council on Human Rights, and formerHead, Social Standards and International Engagement at Cerrejon Coal.

The workshops invite professionals from diverse backgrounds wanting to learn more about business and human rights and how to apply the UN Guiding Principles – the global standard of practice on business and human rights - in practice. The workshops will build capacity to monitor and manage corporate human rights impacts and risks, and provide practical guidance on how to integrate human rights considerations into everyday business practices.
Please extend this invitation to your colleagues and networks.

Embedding respect for human rights into business practices is critical for risk management and the achievement of corporate sustainability objectives. In the face of legal, operational, commercial and reputational risks, business leaders are taking proactive steps to implement human rights policies, risk assessment and management strategies in core business and throughout supply chains.

This workshop series will provide participants with an understanding of the essential strategies and tools needed to develop and implement a corporate human rights policy and establish a human rights due diligence process in their own company/organisation.  
The Australian Government supported the unanimous endorsement of theUnited Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in June 2011. TheUN Guiding Principles are a global reference point for preventing and addressing the risk of adverse impacts on human rights linked to business. They are relevant to Australian businesses in all sectors whether doing business at home or abroad.

The workshops are an essential program for corporate responsibility and sustainability managers, investors, risk and compliance managers, and corporate lawyers.

The workshops are designed for business, government, investor and NGO professionals responsible or accountable for corporate governance, CSR and human rights as well as those working in corporate strategy/affairs, human resources, supply chain management, sustainability/environment, ethical investment, legal, compliance and risk management, and community engagement.

For more information about the program please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Catherine Sutherland  ||  Program Manager
United Nations Association of Australia (Victorian Division)
GPO Box 45, Melbourne VIC 3001

Click to enlarge

PS: Miss Eagle apologies for the short notice.  She only received this information on the afternoon of 21 March 2012 and has posted it as soon as possible.

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