Monday 26 March 2012

In Sydney? So is Nat Wasley to give an update on the Muckaty Waste Dump situation in the NT

Invitation to

Muckaty Waste Dump Update – Talk by Nat Wasley -
27 March 2012 - 7 pm

Tue, 27/03/2012 - 7:00pm - 9:00pm

6 Pittwater Road, Gladesville


Special talk by Nat Wasley, Beyond Nuclear Initiative

in Gladesville, Tuesday, 28 June at 7pm.

Please come to hear the wonderful speaker Nat Wasley, BNI talk about the Muckaty Waste Dump.

For some background info, please see:

Beyond Nuclear Initiative (BNI) -

To hear some more from Traditional Owners, watch Muckaty Voices (you can find it on youtube), or listen to any of the audio of Muckaty mob speaking that is archived on the BNI

Latest Media Releases from BNI website:
15 March 12
Muckaty Traditional Owners send plea to Governor General.
Muckaty Traditional Owners opposed to a national nuclear waste dump on the Muckaty Land Trust north of Tennant Creek in the NT have written to the Governor General asking her not to give royal assent or sign the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill into law.
The NRWM [National Radioactive Waste Management Bill ] Bill passed the Senate on Tuesday and the amended legislation finally passed through the House of Representatives on Wednesday. The legislation preserves the highly contested Muckaty nomination, which is currently the subject of a federal court challenge by senior Traditional Owners opposed to the plan….

MR of 13 March 12
Half-truths and half-lives double community resolve to stop Muckaty nuclear dump
The Beyond Nuclear Initiative (BNI) says radioactive waste management legislation passed this afternoon in the Senate is deeply flawed and will not slow down the campaign against the proposed Muckaty radioactive waste dump in the Northern Territory.
The National Radioactive Waste Management Bill was introduced two years ago and is strongly opposed by the Northern Territory government, Traditional Owners and a growing number of trade unions and civil society groups.
The Senate passed laws on Tuesday that pave the way for medical, research and industrial waste to be stored at the Muckaty Station site 120 kilometres from Tennant Creek for hundreds of years.
In a last ditch bid to stop the waste dump 27 traditional owners have written to Governor-General Quentin Bryce inviting her to the Top End to meet and discuss their concerns.
"Muckaty is a very special place for us," the traditional owners of the Warlmanpa Land Trust wrote, adding they worried about the dump's impact on animals, bush tucker, old stories and new kids.
"None of the ministers have ever come to talk to us about the waste dump."
The Northern Land Council in 2007 nominated Muckaty Station, however a legal challenge by a group of traditional owners is now before the Federal Court.
The Governor-General is required to give royal assent to the laws….

This will be a wonderful and unique opportunity to hear an update on the Muckaty Waste Dump.

Hosted by Bennelong & Surrounds Residents for Reconciliation

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