Friday 17 February 2012

Vigil and Vale for Terry Briscoe - another death in the wrong place and at the wrong time

This post is written in the spirit of vigil, a spirit of watchfulness and awareness.

Paddy Gibson has asked me to give attention to the death in custody of Terry Briscoe which occurred in Alice Springs.  Paddy is a researcher for Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning and Co-Editor of “Solidarity” magazine.  Paddy has covered the circumstances of Terry's departure from us here.  There is sadness in the life and the death of Terry.  There is hope expressed in the life of his cousin, Richard Morton

Let us all keep vigil so that these avoidable deaths can disappear from our penal institutions and law enforcement practices.  Let us all keep vigil so that there will always be - for people like Terry - another go at life, love, family and community.  Let us keep vigil so that human life and our own humanity testifies and triumphs.

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