Monday 13 February 2012

Dale Hess Calendar from 2012-02-17

Go here to read more about Muckaty, NT

Friday 17 February – Sunday 19 February: 'Manuwangku – Under the Nuclear Cloud' photo exhibition. This is a major initiative in support of Muckaty Traditional Owners fighting to prevent their land being used for a nuclear waste dump. The exhibition is a great medium to engage with a range of people and highlight this serious issue. 
Federation Square, Melbourne, Sustainable Living Festival. 
Saturday 18 February, 7 pm to 9.30 pm: Screening of the documentary film: Home. Transition Town Maroondah, supported by Maroondah City Council are holding a movie night as part of the Sustainable Living Festival’s Transitions Film Festival program – where the showing of the documentary HOME will be a synchronised event across the state. The movie will be followed by an audience discussion. Come and be inspired by Yann Arthus Bertrand’s beautiful footage of the earth in his movie HOME. Ponder the way we live and a sustainable future; Talk about your thoughts for sustainability action; Hear about how you can be involved with sustainability action in your community. All this will begin with a beautiful live musical performance by special guests, The Tracey Roberts Duo
Venue: Ray Symons Centre at Eastwood Primary School & Deaf Facility. Enter via Bondi St, Ringwood East. 
Cost: Entry by voluntary gold coin donation to go towards sustainability initiatives at Eastwood Primary School & Deaf Facility. 
Travel: Bicycle - parking available on site; Train – Lilydale line to Ringwood East station then a short walk, see Melway ref 50 C9; Car – Mainly on-street parking. Invite a friend or neighbour and car pool or walk. 
Disability access via Bondi St and Alexandra Rd. 
RSVP: By 15 February to or call 9298 4261

Sunday 26 February, 3.00 pm for 3.30—5.30 pm: Sunday Circle Refugee Conversations. Sr Brigid Arthur csb will guide recent asylum seekers as they share their stories with us. David Manne will discuss the legal position of refugees and asylum seekers in Australia. David acted for the asylum seekers in the recent challenge to the Malaysia Solution in the High Court. Questions and discussion will follow. Light refreshments will be served. Limited Tickets available to this free event, so book early to avoid disappointment. 
Venue: Treacy Centre, 126 The Avenue, Parkville
RSVP: 21 February. Tel: 9813 4023

Monday 27 February, 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm: Human Rights in South Mount Hebron. Presentations, video footage and discussion with visiting Israeli activist Inbal Sinai to explain the effects of the Israeli military occupation of the West Bank, house demolitions and settler violence on these communities, as well as information on the current community projects making a positive difference; a delicious buffet of Palestinian food including mana’eesh, falafel, kefta, salads, and dessert; poetry and music. 
Venue: Le Petit Français Crêperie et Café307 Toorak Road, SouthYarra. Only a 5 minute walk from South Yarra Station (Cranbourne/Pakenham/ Frankston/Dandenong lines), on tram routes no. 8 and no. 78. 
Cost: Adults: $45 per head; Student concession: $35 per head. 
RSVP essential. Contact or 0430 503 086.
Only 40 places available so reserve your place early.

Sunday 11 March: Japan Nuclear Disaster First AnniversaryEvents are being planned to mark the anniversary of the nuclear power plant disaster in Japan, where people’s lives and health continues to be affected. Details to be posted at

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