Monday 27 February 2012

Are Victoria Police and #MSM involved in a cover-up?

As Networkers may or may not be aware, I am moving house from Melbourne to regional Victoria.  This involves quite a few trips up and down the Western Freeway between Melbourne and Ballarat.  Late on Saturday afternooon, I was on the road heading for Melbourne when I was delayed - along with hundreds of Victorians at the Bacchus Marsh Parkway exit. Towtrucks, ambulances, and every conceivable style, colour, and logo of police vehicle, marked and unmarked.

We were all good little Australian citizens.  Patient. Not causing any bother. Not asking any questions until a few souls started to wander down towards the scene after we had been parked on the Freeway for quite a long boring time.  The traffic heading for Ballarat was unimpeded.

Those of us involved provided interesting people watching experience.  Some time before being forced to stop, a Thrifty rental bus went whizzing past.  On the back window was a banner declaring Bridal Shower.  Eventually, the young women in the bus must have been getting a bit stiff from sitting still and poured out of the bus in all their bridal shower finery.  The fellow in the vehicle in the lane beside me laid back and had a good snooze.  I spoke to two women in the car in front of me.  They were on their way to a social in Melbourne.

After about 45 minutes, some individuals started to wander towards the crash scene.  I asked one of these returning individuals what he had been able to find out.  He told me that a police vehicle had emerged from the trees beside the Freeway and collided with five motor bike riders.  Well, I thought, that would certainly explain the huge presence of police cars, ambulances, and tow trucks!

Eventually, after an hour or more, we were on the move.  Police were diverting us, so the grapevine said, back to Ballan where people could wait for the road to be cleared.  We were steered by police across a gravel path between the up and down lanes of the Freeway where police had halted the Melbourne to Ballarat traffic so that we could proceed on this U-turn of all U-turns.

I decided I had had enough and returned to Ballarat.  Most of the traffic appeared to head for Myrniong rather than Ballan - so I assume that these people were intent on getting to Melbourne and would see the delay out in Myrniong and wait for the road to clear.

My daughter came up the Freeway from Melbourne a couple of hours later and reported that there were still a lot of people at the scene.

Needless to say, I was curious to hear or read an official and accurate report of the accident that had involved not only me but hundreds of other Victorians.  There has been a deafening silence.  So I went to the Facebook site of the Ballarat newspaper, The Courier.  You can read, dear Networkers, the conversation going on there.  You will see that I was directed to the Harley Davidson Forum - the Poker Run thread.

In the absence of objective mainstream media reports, I have no alternative but to agree with this post from the HD Forum - Poker Run thread.  I find the matter odd.  But, then again, perhaps it's not so odd!

If you have any further information or comment or enlightenment, you have three courses of action open to you, Networkers:

  1. Use the comments section on this post
  2. Go to The Courier Facebook site and leave your comment/information there.
  3. Go to the HD Forum - Poker Run thread and leave your comment/information there.
Postcript added at 12.59pm 2012-02-27
Have now discovered this on line.  It throws more light on the topic.  Certainly the photograph does not reflect the reality and drama of the situation. 

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