Monday 23 January 2012

Yarning: getting Aboriginal voices to be heard above the din of the agricultural lobby groups


Getting Aboriginal voices into the Basin Plan
A Yarn on the river: Getting Aboriginal voices into the Basin Plan’ is being distributed by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority to outline the parts of the draft plan that are most relevant to Aboriginal people.

“We need Aboriginal people to have a say about the draft because the decisions that will be set out in the final plan will have an impact on river country,” said Chief Executive Rhondda Dickson.

“I encourage Aboriginal people around the Basin to read the Yarn and draft plan, talk it through with us and send us submissions.”

The MDBA will be travelling to towns throughout the Basin to talk with Aboriginal people on their country — in halls, homes or by the river. This is part of the broader MDBA 20-week consultation period on the draft Basin Plan.

While visiting country, the MDBA wants to help Aboriginal people learn more about the draft Basin Plan, and have their say about what’s in the final Basin Plan.

The MDBA also funds the Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN) and Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN). Both MLDRIN and NBAN provide an Indigenous perspective into the development of the Basin Plan. In addition, the MDBA funds the National Cultural Flows Planning and Research Committee, which aims to provide more information on cultural flows.

The Yarn is available from the MDBA website or hard copies can be ordered via or 1800 230 067.

Submissions on the draft plan will close on 16 April 2012.

For more information contact the MDBA Media office at or 02 6279 0141.
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