Thursday 26 January 2012

The world's water crisis: wake up Australia, and the USA, and India and the world

Maria Reidle has sent through some really great Water stuff from the National Geographic.  I hate to sound like Hanrahan, but Australia and Australians are not the only ones who aren't doing water well.  Please pop over to National Geographic for some water crisis news

The World's Water

The world's increasing population and development of agricultural land are putting pressure on the Earth's limited freshwater supplies. Find out what's at stake and how you can help.
  • Image: Water drops

    Why Should You Care?

    Learn more about the world's water challenge with photos, stories, videos, and more.
  • global-footprint.jpg

    Visualizing Our Water Footprint

    You might be surprised to see how the daily choices you make affect critical watersheds around the world.
  • Image: Cow silhouette

    How Much Water Per Pound?

    How much water does it take to put beef, pork, wheat, and more on your plate? Explore our water footprint interactive and find out.
  • water-calculator-tease.jpg

    Water Calculator

    Figure out your footprint, then join hundreds of website visitors who together have pledged to save thousands of gallons a day.

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