Wednesday 11 January 2012

Canberra Jan 26-29 it's all happening: Aboriginal Tent Embassy 40th Anniversary celebrations : invitations

Before Occupy Wall Street and its derivative movements, Australia had a most significant Occupation.  Aboriginal people established a Tent Embassy outside what is now Old Parliament House (we have a very new and modern one now).  The Aboriginal Tent Embassy has withstood all sorts of vicissitudes and attempts to remove it.  Yet - in spite of all - it stands and withstands.  I don't know what other "Occupy" movements may have taken place across the world preceding #OWS - but the Aboriginal Tent Embassy making its stand against white occupation of the Australian continent has to be among the most significant.

And now it is the season for celebration.  Come, join in. Agenda and more information here.

(Parliament of Australia Parliamentary Library.
The above site carries a significant timeline and bibliography)
Aboriginal Tent Embassy (as a tourist drawcard)
(GreenLeft Weekly)

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