Tuesday 10 January 2012

Animals Australia and Lyn White off to a great campaigning start in 2012

Lyn White

Join us for ‘an evening with Lyn White’ - national speaking tour.
Brisbane - 20th Feb
Sydney - 21st Feb
Melbourne - 24th Feb
Adelaide - 28th Feb (TBC)
Perth - 6th March
Stay tuned for event details.

Lyn White named 2011 'Newsmaker of the Year'!

ABC News Radio has named Lyn White, Animals Australia's Campaign Director and Investigator, 2011's 'Newsmaker of the Year'. Lyn's live export investigations sparked 40,000 media stories and an unprecedented public outcry against live exports. The announcement, made live on air on New Year's morning, reflects the growing public awareness and concern for animal welfare that is sweeping the country.

Listen now | Leave a message for Lyn

More campaign news from Animals Australia:

Victory for 'battery sheep'

Notorious wool factory farm to shut down!

After a long campaign and several investigations, a major wool factory farm in Victoria has announced plans to cease business as a producer of factory farmed ultra-fine wool, stating 'ultra-fine wool isn't viable anymore'. Find out more...
Ducks in danger

TAKE ACTION: help end duck shooting

The VIC Government has announced its support for a 2012 recreational duck shooting season. It is estimated that for every bird shot, another escapes with injuries, often to die slowly and painfully. Click here to help protect native waterbirds.

Live export concerns

LIVE EXPORTS: Indonesian trade to decline; cruelty to continue

News reports that the Indonesian Government has committed to banning all live cattle imports from Australia within a few years points to the volatility of the live export trade — but it signals little reprieve for animals. Read more & take action...
Protect greyhounds

Save greyhounds from cruel export

Every year Australia's greyhound racing industry'discards' thousands of dogs who are not fast enough on the tracks. Help protect these dogs from one of the worst fates that may await them: export. Click here to take action now.

See more campaign updates at AnimalsAustralia.org 


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