Friday 13 January 2012

Aboriginal sovereignty was never ceded: Michael Anderson

Aborigines, you are with us or against us - make your choice”

Goodooga, northwest NSW, 
22 December 2011 

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A number of significant, very concerning incidents have occurred since arriving back in Australia from my  trip to London. The Internet site that had the Pacific Islanders Protection Act of 1872-75 up has pulled it down after I had revealed that the actual wording of the 1875 Act was altered by person (s) unknown who in effect altered the intent and law that it established here in Australia.

Then to hear through the main stream media that the federal government had given ultimatums to the NAIDOC Committee not to use the 40th anniversary of the Aboriginal Embassy as its theme for 2012, clearly sends signals that they are under pressure and seek to avoid a confrontation on the question of Sovereignty.

It was further revealed that a key Aboriginal organization within the Australian Capital Territory who had agreed to be an auspicing body for any funds raised for the 40thanniversary of the Aboriginal Embassy had their computers hacked by person (s) unknown at the same time as they were having printed out their bank details and then for the information to disappear from the computer as it was printing out.

On the far north coast line of NSW at Pottsville, an Aboriginal man who had been occupying vacant crown reserve has been advised that he will be evicted from the place. In the past 12 months he said that he had been running cultural camps for Aboriginal children and youth so that they can continue to have knowledge of their country and what that country means to them as a people. I am now advised that the council and police were coming to evict him from this place today (22 December). This  appears to developing into our first battle ground in the fight for our sovereign status and rights as the real sovereigns of the soil.

In the last twenty four hours Anderson it has become very clear to me that in the lead up to the 40th anniversary of the Aboriginal Embassy, I have been put on notice that people who have been close to the Aboriginal Embassy all these years are planning a confrontation on the question of the anniversary becoming a focus on sovereignty and not the Embassy. This is concerning, considering that the first intention of the Aboriginal Embassy was to raise and maintain the protest of our people nationwide that sovereignty was never ceded, rights to our lands was our inherent right that we have since time immemorial.

If this is going to be the case then we must now gather together and unite to put down this antagonism against our movement, no matter whether they are Aboriginal people or not. Sovereignty is the key to our future as a people. Right now we are losing our children to the welfare departments, the criminal justice system, our culture is now owned by the white ministers of the state. In Western Australia, the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs is not just the minister, he is also the CEO of the Western Australian Aboriginal Planning Act 1972. In the federal arena, the Labor government refuses to deal with a bill proposed by the leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbot, that will give ownership and management of the Cape York rivers system and remove the wild rivers law created by the Queensland state Labor government.

It is sad to be given this warning but I think our people can stand up to the detractors and those who seek to keep the divisions amongst our people, but we are on the edge of achieving the one thing that has kept us going all these years. This is our country, our lore/law and no Aboriginal collaborators or government junta will stop us from fighting our fight. We will stand up against those who oppose us and if you are Aboriginal and seek to interfere then we will know who you are and will condemn you to the white invaders. This is a case of you are either with us or against us. Make your choice.
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Contact Michael 
0427292492 or (02) 68296355

Further reading

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