Wednesday 7 December 2011

Green Left Weekly Activist Calendar 2011-12-07

Green Left Weekly Activist CalendarDecember 7, 2011

Robert Doyle won't be there!
Occupy the Resistance Centre for an end-of-year celebration
Tuesday, December 20, 6-10pm. Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston St, City (opposite RMIT). It's been a tumultuous year, from Cairo's Tahrir Square to the global Occupy movement. Join us to celebrate, relax and prepare for 2012. $12/$7 (includes meal &amp snacks). Drinks available. Organised by Socialist Alliance &amp Green Left Weekly. For more info ph 9639 8622.

glw logo
This is the regular Melbourne activist calendar compiled by Green Left Weekly. Emailed to subscribers each Wednesday fortnight, it is a one-stop listing of the main left and progressive events in Melbourne and Geelong.
Since it began in early 1991, Green Left Weekly has offered an indispensable alternative to the lies of the big-business media and has helped build the various movements for social change. To subscribe to Green Left Weekly, visit our secure online website for rates and payment at Green Left Weekly or call our national hotline on 1800 634 206.
You can also contact us at the Resistance Centre, 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City; ph 9639 8622. In Geelong we are at the Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4.30pm, Fri 10am-4.30pm); ph 5222 6900.
New email address? Not already receiving this calendar regularly? Want to subscribe someone else? Let us know at Greenleft Melbourne.
Barring unforeseen events, this is the last edition of the calendar for 2011. Our next issue should appear around mid-January.

Other coming events

Wednesday, December 7
Public meeting: International Human Rights Day 2011: What does the future hold for human rights in Australia?Speakers: Rob Stary & Malcolm McClure. 6:30pm. Preston City Hall, 284 Gower St, Preston. Organised by City of Darebin. For more info ph 8470 8888 or visit City of Darebin.
AAWL workshop: Living wages, not repression. To mark International Human Rights Day, an open workshop with international and local activists. Discussion on how to fight the repression labour movement activists in many countries face where workers can be jailed or killed for demanding improvements in wages and conditions. Genuine labour movement representatives from the Philippines, Korea, Thailand, Pakistan and West Papua have been invited to participate via Skype link. 6pm. Trades Hall, cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts, Carlton South. Presented by Australia Asia Worker Links.
Thursday, December 8
New International Bookshop Christmas party! 6pm til late. New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts, Carlton.
Peace Brigades International 30th anniversary celebration! An evening of inspirational stories commemorating three decades Peace Brigades International! PBI Australia will mark the 30th anniversary of PBI's work protecting human rights defenders in 11 countries with a celebratory gathering of prominent Australian human rights defenders, NGO leaders, former team volunteers and long term PBI friends and activists. Please RSVP for this important event. 5:30pm till late. Top floor, Kindness House, 288 Brunswick St, Fitzroy. RSVP to PBI.
Fundraiser concert: Music from Bits of Shit, Concrete Life, Hierophants + Panel Van Halen Cause: This will be a fundraiser to help pay for a computer for Mahmoud., a refugee from Palestine who has had to seek asylum in Australia. He has been in detention centres for too long and even after being granted refugee status remains locked upwaiting for a 'security check' which is still pending after7 months. Mahmoud is a talented illustrator and animator and this computer will allow him to start telling stories of refugees and to start being creative again. 7:30pm. The Gasometer Hotel, 484 Smith St, Collingwood. Entry by donation ($8 minimum).
Friday, December 9
Occupy Melbourne: Protest cuts to education. Due to continuing poor weather the weekend Teddy Bears picnic has been postponed until next year. We are hoping though that everyone can join the Occupy Melbourne Kids and Carers Committee Dare To Share Teddy Bears Protest against cuts to education. Come rain, hail or shine we will meet at 10am in Treasury Gardens and then proceed with an action/stunt to be revealed on the day. Some food and activities will be provided, but please bring along more. Don’t forget to bring your teddy bear! If all the little teddies get together then we can take on Big Bad Ted and Julia. Over the past year there have been multiple attacks on education. These have included the cuts of $48 million to VCAL and $270 million to TAFE, the failure of the government to invest the money needed to maintain and repair our ailing schools, cuts to occasional childcare and the government's refusal to maintain education worker's pay at inflation.
Saturday, December 10
Rally: This Christmas: No peace on Earth in occupied Bethlehem, speakout for Palestine. As part of the occupied Palestinian territories, the 170,000 residents of Bethlehem and its surrounding district (both Christian and Muslim) suffer each day under the brutal and illegal Israeli occupation. In Bethlehem, there is no freedom of movement, there are checkpoints and curfews and there are constant invasions by the Israeli military. In addition, there is an ugly concrete wall, 8 metres high (three times the height of the Berlin Wall) topped with watchtowers and snipers nests which is dividing families and communities, stealing land and water resources. We will be seeking to highlight the BDS campaign asking people not to buy Israeli apartheid for Christmas. We will also be performing pro-Palestine Christmas carols. 11.30am-1pm. Old GPO Bourke St Mall, City. Initiated by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. For more info ph 0439 454 375 or email PSC.
Sunday, December 11
Public meeting: YGender's 1st birthday and Christmas party Wow, what a year it has been! Now it's time to have a big party with the entire family! We have decided to have a joint Christmas and birthday party. We would like to invite you and whomever else you wish to bring whether it's that special someone, your best friend or even your supportive parents. This is a chance to celebrate the great first year that we had and be thankful to all those people that have supported and encouraged us. 5pm. ALSO Building, Level 10, 225 Bourke St, City.
Public meeting: What the East-West tunnel means for our community Find out about the tunnel proposal, the alternatives and what can be done to protect our communities. The Baillieu government has decided to push ahead with the East-West tunnel previously proposed by the Brumby government. The previous announcement met with widespread community opposition. The tunnel will have a significant impact on communities in inner-Melbourne, including Kensington. JJ Holland Park, for example, was earmarked as a staging area for the construction of the tunnel. A decision will be made about federal funding in February 2012. Adam Bandt, MP, Federal Member for Melbourne is holding this meeting to canvass community concerns and to discuss what can be done to keep our communities liveable and healthy. 2pm. School Hall, Kensington Primary School, McCracken Street, Kensington. For more info ph 9642 0922 or email Adam Bandt.
Comedy: Political asylum: Marriage inequality edition Come one come all to our final show for 2011! It's our year-in-review event as we laugh about both the latest and greatest political gaffes of the past 12 months. Any audience members caught holding hands will need to provide a valid marriage certificate or risk expulsion from the venue. 7:30pm. The Brunswick Green, 313 Sydney Road, Brunswick. $10/$5.
Monday, December 12
Protest: We don't want coal for Christmas! You're invited to join Santa and his merry crew for a cheeky little piece of theatrical activism! The deadline for the review of the $100 million federal government grant to HRL's coal fired power station is coming up in December. To remind Julia Gillard that Australians think coal is a dud present, the Switch off Coal Collective are heading to the heart of Christmas-Bourke Street Mall. Santa and his reindeers will ride Bikezilla into the city at lunch hour, where, on Bourke Street Mall (the public purse end, near the Myer window), to the delight of children, shoppers and office-workers, Santa will be offering 'coal or candy' (depends on if you've been naughty or nice) while his helpers get signatures on the petition to Julia Gillard and hand out No-coal-for-Christmas cards. If you'd like to join in, we'd love you to! Wide-eyed audience members are wonderful and if you'd like to take on a role, get in touch by calling Maddie on 0423 100 113 and we'll sort out a character and a costume. Ho ho, Happy Holidays! 12noon to 3pm. Bourke Street Mall, City.
Tuesday, December 13
Protest: Stand up for renewable energy! Energy Minister Martin Ferguson is the fossil fuel industry's man in the Labor Party. He stands up for coal, oil, gas and uranium interests, while doing his best to slow the roll-out of clean and cheap renewable energy technologies. Come and join us early form a welcoming party for him before he addresses the Committee for Economic Development of Australia. 6.45-7.30am. Hilton on the Park, 192 Wellington Parade, East Melbourne.Organised by Darebin Climate Action Now and Yarra Climate Action Now.
Belgrave Survival Day film showing: Murundak: songs of freedom Journeys into the heart of Aboriginal protest music following The Black Arm Band, a gathering of some of Australia’s finest Indigenous musicians, as they take to the road with their songs of resistance and freedom. Not only is this a chance to see a great movie but all profits will go towards staging the 2012 Belgrave Survival Day event which will feature the Yung Warriors and Lou Bennett amongst others. 6:30pm. Burrinja Cultural Centre, Glenfern Rd, Upwey. Light refreshments and non-alcoholic drinks will be available. For more info ph 0488 619 444 or visit Belgrave Survival Day.
West Papua-Bouganville Video Night: Across the Water. Screening the latest documentaries from the campaign against the re-opening of Panguna mine, the attacks against the Third Papuan People's Congress, and the 3-month long strike at Freeport mine. 6:30pm. Level 4 Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, City. Presented by West Papua Melbourne with Clive Porabou in conjunction with Pax Christi. For more info email Across the water.
Public meeting: Medical Association for the Prevention of War Victorian branch end of 2011 celebration An early evening evening fuction to be held jointly with ICAN. Mark it in your diary! The function will be followed by dinner for those who'd like to stay. 6:30 pm. Gertrude Hotel, cnr Gertrude & Napier Sts, Fitzroy.
Thursday, December 15
Rally: Candle-lit vigil for refugees in detention this Christmas Join us in solidarity with the thousands of people still imprisoned under Australia's inhumane immigration policy. Be part of a candle-lit performative action, with music from recently released refugees. This will be recorded and sent to asylum seekers in detention, as a reminder that many Australians reject this policy, and eagerly await the release of asylum seekers into the community. At the same time send a message to the government: Bridging visas are not enough. End mandatory detention now. 8:30pm. City Square, cnr Swanston &amp Collins Streets, City. Organised by Refugee Action Collective.
Saturday, December 17
Rally: Vigil for Bradley Manning on his 24th birthday. On this day Bradley Manning will have been incarcerated for 571 days. Gather at the US Consulate on St Kilda Rd to stand in solidarity with him. 5pm. Forecourt, US Consulate, 553 St Kilda Road, City.
Sunday, December 18
Fundraiser: Rhythm, rock, reggae, rap, recycle benefit concert. For books for libraries and schools in newly independent South Sudan. With The Mystic Trio, Quashani Bahd, Culture Crew, Majak & Deng, Black Orchid String Band, West Papuan Dance Group, Ben Jackson Band, Flybz. Speakers from South Sudan and West Papua. 2:30pm. Fitzroy Town Hall, 201 Napier St Fitzroy. Entry fee: Bring a book (new or 2nd hand) to donate to school/university libraries in South Sudan (children's and recent text books welcome) and/or donation to help with rebuilding after years of war. Organised by SSPARC (South Sudanese People in Australia Relief and Care, Auspiced by Multicultural Arts Victoria, with thanks to the City of Yarra. For more information contact Esther 0439 555 291 or Tania 0438 702 528.
Concert: RISE presents Amir Sulaiman. RISE is excited to present world-renowned spoken word artist Amir Sulaiman, an accomplished poet, activist, recording artist and a 2-time HBO Def Poet, host and performer for national Breed Love Odyssey Tour. Amir Sulaiman will be supported by underground hip-hop artist Pataphysics, Melbourne-based soul artist Jess Harlen and singer/songwriter Robert Champion. 7pm. Miss Libertine, 34 Franklin St, City. $15/$10. For more info email RISE or ph 9639 8623.
Monday, December 19
Film premiere: Robbed of Truth. A documentary by Carlos González. This is the true story of Fetim Salam, a Saharawi refugee falsely portrayed as a slave in the Australian documentary Stolen. Australian filmmakers Violeta Ayala and Daniel Fallshaw travel to the Saharawi refugee camps in Tindouf, Algeria in 2007 and claim to discover 20,000 slaves in the camps run by the independence movement Polisario Front. Refugees are outraged for being portrayed as slaves, and humanitarian aid workers are incredulous about these allegations as they know the camps intimately. Filmmaker Carlos González retraces their steps in search of the truth and finds a web of misinformation, lies and Moroccan operatives apparently reshaping the truth. The film will be introduced by its director and producer Carlos González in person. After the film there will be a Q&A with Carlos González moderated by Carmela Baranowska, Lecturer in Media at Australian Catholic University. 1pm. Victoria College of the Arts, School of Film and TV, Cinema 2, 234 St Kilda Road, City. This screening has been endorsed by The Centre for Ideas, Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne.
Tuesday, December 20
Fundraiser: Occupy the Resistance Centre for an end-of-year celebration. Robert Doyle won't be there! It's been a tumultuous year, from Cairo's Tahrir Square to the global Occupy movement. Join us to celebrate, relax and prepare for 2012. 6-10pm. Resistance Centre, Level 5, 407 Swanston St, City (opposite RMIT). $12/$7 (includes meal &amp snacks). Drinks available. Organised by Socialist Alliance &amp Green Left Weekly. For more info, ph 9639 8622.
Thursday, January 12
Concert: Immortal Technique first Australia & NZ tour. Slingshot is proud to announce the long awaited tour of battle emcee, activist, revolutionary and philanthropist Immortal Technique. After many attempts over the years, Immortal Technique will finally bring his raw political commentary to Australia in January 2012. Born in a military hospital in Peru, Immortal Technique moved to Harlem, New York with his family in the early 80s. Here he became captivated with Hip Hop culture, writing graffiti and discovering his passion for rhyming. After some trouble with the law, he spent a year in prison, where he began to prolifically write down his ideas about what he had lived and seen in the struggle of New York and his visits back to his native land. 8pm. The Espy, 11 The Esplanade, St Kilda.
Thursday, January 12-Saturday, January 14
Concert: Ezekiel Ox- Blow Torch Known to audiences for his stand-out, polarising performances with his bands, Over-Reactor, Mammal, Full Scale and The Ox and The Fury, his loyal fan base continues to grow by the album cycle, and these shows are sure to be in high demand. Ox will be holding audiences captive with his narratives, reflections and musings on politics, music and the human spirit for five shows over three nights: Thursday, January 12 (8pm), Friday, January 13 (8pm and 11pm) and Saturday, January 14 (8pm & 11pm). The Empire Cafe , 295 Sydney Rd, Brunswick. $15/$10.
Friday, January 20
Rally: Freedom fighters Tunnerminnerwait & Maulboyheener. Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner were among five Tasmanian Aborigines who conducted a campaign of resistance to European settlement in 1841 around Western Port and South Gippsland near Melbourne. After three military expeditions they were finally captured and brought back to Melbourne for trial. They were not allowed to give evidence themselves. The two men were found guilty of murder, with the jury saying due to the circumstances mercy should be granted. No mercy was given and Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheenner were the first judicial executions to take place in Melbourne on January 20, 1842 before a crowd of 5000, a quarter of the population of Melbourne at the time. 12pm. RMIT entrance, cnr Bowen & Franklin Sts, City.
Thursday, January 26
Canberra Rally: Stand up & be counted on Sovereignty Day. Invitation to the 40th anniversary of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy. For more info visit Sovereignty Day.
Friday, February 17-Sunday, February 19
Festival: Sustainable Living Festival 2012. Federation Square & Birrarung Marr Event Park, near cnr Swanston & Flinders Sts, City. For more info visit SLF.

Campaign committees

Melbourne Anti-Intervention Collective (MAIC) meets meets on the first and third Monday of each month, 6.30pm on Level 4 of the rear building at Trades Hall, Lygon & Victoria Sts Carlton. For info, ph 0431 311 520 or visit MAI Collective.
Refugee Action Collective (RAC). For more info ph 0413 377 978 or visit RAC.
Stop HRL: No New Coal Power For Victoria meetings. Join the community campaign against HRL's proposed new coal-fired power station. For more info visit Stop HRL or call 0402 337 077.


Recent articles from Green Left Weekly

To subscribe to Green Left Weekly visit our secure online website for rates and payment at Green Left Weekly or call our national hotline on 1800 634 206. You can also contact us at the Resistance Centre, 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City; ph 9639 8622. In Geelong: Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4.30pm, Fri 10am-4.30pm); ph 5222 6900.

Broad, non-sectarian, activist
Socialist Alliance
Socialist Alliance is a proud supporter of the Green Left Weekly project and contributes a regular column. Socialist Alliance is a broad, non-sectarian socialist coalition, dedicated to bringing together all those who want to resist the capitalist assault on our planet and its people and fight for a socialist society that puts people's needs before business profits. Anyone who agrees with the general approach of our policies is welcome to join and organisations are invited to affiliate. For more information visit Socialist Alliance Victoria. Join us on Facebook. See our recent statements:

Contact Socialist Alliance. Join with other socialists in the struggle in 2011. Melbourne: Visit us at the Resistance Centre, 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City; ph 9639 8622. In Melbourne, Socialist Alliance meets on the first Tuesday of each month, 6.30pm, at the Resistance Centre. Geelong: Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4.30pm, Fri 10am-4.30pm); ph 5222 6900.

Links: 'socialism for the 21st century'
Links is an online journal which seeks to provide a forum for open and constructive dialogue between active socialists from different political traditions. It seeks to bring together those in the international left who are opposed to neoliberal economic and social policies, and reject the bureaucratic model of 'socialism' that arose in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Inspired by the unfolding socialist revolution in Venezuela, Links is a journal for 'Socialism of the 21st Century' and the discussions and debates flowing from that powerful example of socialist renewal.

Join the Resistance
Resistance is a broad socialist youth organisation which campaigns for feminism and workers rights, for real action on climate change, and against war, racism and oppression. Resistance is affiliated to the Socialist Alliance. Meet us at the Resistance Centre, 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City (Druids House, opposite RMIT).
For more info call 9639 8622. Visit Resistance; join us on FacebookIn Geelong contact us at the Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4.30pm, Fri 10am-4.30pm); ph 5222 6900.

The Power of Community How Cuba Survived Peak Oil. Cuba, a small island nation, rebuilt its agriculture and food system when its supply of cheap oil ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990. This fascinating and empowering film shows how the Cuban people pulled together, created solutions, and ultimately thrived, massively decreasing the country's dependence on imported energy and greatly reducing its use of chemical inputs. Cuba's experience in this 'special period' obviously holds big lessons for the struggle against global warming and climate change and coping with the inescapable consequences. Runtime: 53 minutes.
Available from Resistance Bookshops in Melbourne & Geelong. $20.
Resistance Bookshop end-of-year sale!
20% off all stock until December 20!
The Melbourne Resistance Bookshop is having an across-the-board sale until mid-December. Offer covers wide range of left and progressive books, pamphlets, t-shirts, flags, badges, and stubby holders. Drop in and check it out at 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City (Druids House, opposite RMIT).
All the above items are available online at Resistance Books. They are also available at the Melbourne Resistance Bookshop.Find us at: 5th floor, 407 Swanston St, City (Druids House, opposite RMIT); ph 9639 8622. In Geelong: Activist Centre, Trades Hall, 127 Myers St (opening hours: Mon 2-4.30pm, Fri 10am-4.30pm); ph 5222 6900.

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