Saturday 3 December 2011

Check your Christmas chocolate: did it come from cocoa produced by child labour, slave labour?

Add a Traffik-free twist to your Christmas party!
While you're getting together for Christmas parties with friends, family or colleagues you can join people all over the world who are signing the STOP THE TRAFFIK petition to ask governments to end child trafficking and slave labour in the chocolate industry.  
Your guide to a Traffik-free Christmas party:

Make sure you only use Traffik-free chocolate in all your party food   
Look for the Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance or UTZ logos.

2. Host a festive raffle
Download our special raffle tickets- each one is a mini-petition! Ask people to take part in your raffle and explain that by signing their ticket they are adding their name to STOP THE TRAFFIK's petition for Traffik-free chocolate. You could provide a Traffik-free chocolate prize! After you've run the raffle, send the tickets to us and we'll add the names to our global petition.  

3. Make it a fundraiser
Ask people for a donation to enter the raffle. Funds raised will go to our campaign to end child trafficking in the chocolate industry.

Please send the signed raffle tickets to: STOP THE TRAFFIK, 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7HS
. You can donate the funds raised either online, by sending a cheque to the above address or email us for our bank details at  

Check out 
our blog for additional 
Christmas party ideas

Watch the BBC report 
on Cocoa featuring 
our founder Steve Chalke 

Sign our  campaign petition now! 

STOP THE TRAFFIK is part of the 10 Campaign
This is part of the 10 Campaign, a joint global initiatve marking the 10th anniversary of the Harkin-Engle Protocol to eliminate the worst forms of child labour in the cocoa industry.

Enquiries: 75 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HS | +44 (0)20 7921 4258 | STOP THE TRAFFIK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England & Wales No.6657145 and a Registered Charity No. 1127321 

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