Saturday 26 November 2011

Toys and Clothing Drive to help children in Palestine. Please donate

It’s time for another clothing drive to help children in Palestine and the refugee camps in Jordan.  This time, there will be two drives to make it easier for people living on one side of Melbourne’s great metropolitan sprawl to the other.  People wanting to donate from interstate should contact Moammar Mashni   at <>  or on his mobile 0419 999 773.

So many people have been generous since Olive Kids began this initiative and we hope that as our festive season draws closer, you will also remember how little joy Palestinian children have in their lives and that even the smallest gift can light up those sad faces.  Please consider giving a NEW toy along with any used clothing, or even separately.  They may well bring much comfort to those children in Gaza who are still suffering from the terrifying sounds and effects of Israel’s aerial attacks and artillery fire that continue spasmodically without so much as a mention in our media. 

Sonja Karkar


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