Tuesday 22 November 2011

My Victoria Waterways: what we think, know and love about our waterways in Victoria

Dear Survey Participant,

 In 2009 you participated in a survey to examine the way Victorians value their waterways. You asked for feedback once the findings were released.

I am pleased to announce that the public report from the My Victorian Waterway survey has now been made available. Should you wish to read this report it can be downloaded online at the following URL: http://www.water.vic.gov.au/environment/rivers/community-connections-to-local-waterways 

I would also like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your participation. This is the largest survey of its type in Australia and without your help we would not have been able to develop such a comprehensive picture of how Victorians value their water and what you believe needs to be done to protect our waterways.

Anne Pisarski
Director of Infrastructure Management Research
Queensland University of Technology

Some key findings of the survey include:
  • Victorians visit waterways to engage in a wide variety of recreational and commercial activities. 
  • Results found that 92% visit waterways to enjoy scenery; 76% to walk, hike or cycle; 37% to plant native trees and clear weeds; 36% to fish and 21% for stock and irrigation purposes
  • 99% of Victorians have high aspirations for our waterways and 98% agree that it is important for our waterways to be as healthy as possible so they continue to provide for our needs
  • 83% feel most personally connected to a waterway local to them and 96% agree that they have a personal responsibility to our waterways
  • 67% of Victorians have good to excellent knowledge of waterway health.

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