Thursday 17 November 2011

Grappling with.... water, the Great Artesian Basin, and the Murray Darling Basin and the forthcoming Plan

The document below has come to me from Peter Smithers via my friend, the indefatigible water campaigner and environmentalist, Maria Reidl. It is wide-ranging and while it looks quite a bit to read, Peter has broken  his snippets up into smaller 'chapters'.  The Murray Darling Basin Plan is due for release in a little over a week, on 28 November.  Things are warming up with predictions that neither irrigators nor environmentalists will be happy.  Last time the irrigators were unhappy they burned copies of the plan in a Nazi-style book-burning in Griffith, NSW.  If they are unhappy this time after a second crack at a plan which has included Tony Windsor's Inquiry, what will they do...what they gonna do....

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