Monday 21 November 2011

Dale Hess - Calendar - 2011-11-22 to 2011-12-01

Tuesday 22 November, 6:30 pm: Book Launch: At the scene of the crime: essays, reflections and poetry on East Timor, 1999 - 2010 by Pat Walsh. 
Pat Walsh, the author, worked in East Timor during the new nation's first ten years. The book is a miscellany of his writings from this enthralling period. Tim Lindsey (Malcolm Smith Professor of Asian Law, University of Melbourne) will launch the book and will comment on the prospects of justice for East Timor from Indonesia, a topic explored in the book. Venue: Travellers Bookstore, 294 Smith St, Collingwood, Melbourne. RSVP & enquiries: Claire Woods. E:; T: (03) 9417 4179.
Click to enlarge

Tuesday 22 November - Wednesday 23 November: Ethics in a Multifaith Society: Muslims and Christians in Dialogue. 
The conference "Ethics in a multifaith society: Muslims and Christians in Dialogue" is held in honour of M. Fethullah Gulen, from whom the Australian Catholic University Chair in the Study of Islam and Muslim-Catholic Relations, established in 2007, takes its name. For Fethullah Gulen, dialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims is imperative, not only because of what followers of these three monotheistic religions have in common, but also because of their shared responsibility to make our world a more peaceful and safer place. AustralianCatholic University, 115 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy.  Conference Program (PDF, 1.25MB)Conference Registration (PDF, 472KB);  Conference Poster (PDF,3.75MB)
Thursday 24 November, 7.30 pm: Morality & Climate Change: A Response to Cardinal Pell.
Geoff Lacey, author of Sufficient for the Day: Towards a Sustainable Culture, will present a response to Cardinal Pell's position. Study Centre of the Yarra Theological Union34 Bedford Street Box Hill.Further info from Social Policy Connections: 9890 1077.
Thursday 1 December, 6 pm for 6.30 pm start: Official Opening of Timor Archival Project.
CHART (Clearing House for Archival Records on Timor) are opening their new premises at the Columban Mission Centre in Essendon. The opening will include a document display and audio-visual presentation. Columban Mission Centre, 69 Woodland Street, Essendon. RSVP: by 29 November.  or ring John Waddingham 9036 0280 or 0421 179 533.

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