Friday 18 November 2011

Australian Conservation Foundation: AGM, Murray-Darling Basin Plan, Carbon Price, Stop Logging

Together we've kicked some big goals, with a carbon price being legislated, but there is still so much more we need to work together to do for our environment.

The Murray-Darling Basin Plan is soon to be released and we need to ensure it meets the long-term water allocation needs for a healthy river system.

Appeal for real action on the Murray-Darling
In less than two weeks the draft of a national plan for the Murray-Darling will be released for public review. Scaremongers are telling us there is a conflict between a healthy river and regional communities. This is false. We have a shared interest in a healthy river. We are stepping up our campaign to ensure that our leaders support a Murray-Darling Basin Plan which returns enough water to our river system and provides greater certainty for its communities. With only one sitting week remaining in Federal Parliament this year it is a perfect time to send a message to your MP asking them to protect Australia’s lifeblood.

We said YES!
Australia’s Parliament has made a price on carbon pollution law. Big polluters will pay, not individual taxpayers. So now there’s a new incentive to cut pollution and innovate. And finally, we’re doing something about climate change!  Our video shows how we came together to 'say yes' to a cleaner Australia.
Stop logging forests you promised to protect! In August the Prime Minister and Tasmanian Premier signed a breakthrough agreement to protect 430,000 hectares of Tasmania’s forests in immediate informal reserves.

This is urgentEmail Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke and tell him to stop stalling and move logging out of the forests identified for protection, now.

It's your ACF, your AGM

We invite you to join ACF President Ian Lowe, CEO Don Henry and staff at our 45th Annual General Meeting. Join in the discussion on our goals, achievements and plans for the next 12 months. RSVP here.

When: 6.30pm Saturday, 26 November, 2011.
Where: Ground Floor, 60 Leicester Street, Carlton, Victoria.

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