Tuesday 7 June 2011

Marrickville Council rides again with a letter from Archbishop Tutu #BDS


Archbishop Desmond Tutu is newsworthy.  Matters Jewish and Israeli and Palestinian are never far from the headlines.  Put all these factors together with a little local government council in inner suburban Sydney and spotlights shine.  Marrickville Council has been vilified from the right and the left of politics because it supports BDS.  Now Archbishop Tutu has sent Marrickville Council a letter of congratulations.

I find the controversy very ho-hum.  You see, Networkers, I have seen all this before - approximately forty years ago.  Yes, that's right.  Nearly half a century ago.

The sanctions, the boycotts that advanced the decline of apartheid South Africa and brought Mandela and Tutu to prominence received very similar comments until ...... the time came when the boycotts were widespread internationally and, all of a sudden, they were respectable.

I am sure there will be much lobbying from certain quarters to try to ensure that BDS does not receive the same status as anti-apartheid boycotts - but there is so much happening to bring Israel into disrepute, even among Jewry, that it will take lotsa money, lotsa first class spin, and lotsa papering over to turn life under Netanyahu & Co into the eighth wonder of democracy.

To find out more - from both sides - about BDS, please go here.

Lee Rhiannon hails Desmond Tutu praise for Marrickville Council's Israel boycott

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