Tuesday 14 June 2011

Can sensibility return to #Italy? Referenda succeed against campaign by the Italian government : #Berlusconi and #NorthernLeague setbacks


It is nice to know that somewhere in the world people are making good decisions en masse - and dancing in the streets when the results come in.  Somewhere in the world is Italy - where Berlusconi has taking a hiding in response to some pretty dreadful referenda questions. 

Italians, over two days, voted on two questions:
  1.  Procedures for the awarding and management of local public services of economic importance. Repeal? - This question, if passed, would repeal the rules that currently allow the management of local public services to be entrusted to the private sector.
  2.  Determination of the water service tariff based on an adequate return on invested capital. Partial repeal of regulations? - The question proposes the repeal of the regulations governing the determination of tariffs for the supply of water, the amount of which currently provides for a return on capital invested by the operator.
  3. Repeal of Sections 1 and 8 of Article 5 of Decree Number 34 of March 31st 2011, made (with amendments) into law on May 26th 2011, Decree Number 75: Partial repeal of regulations? - The question proposes the repeal of new regulations allowing for the production of nuclear power within the territory
  4. Repeal of Provisions of Law Number 51 of April 7th, 2010, on legitimate impediment of the Prime Minister and Ministers to appear in criminal court, in accordance with sentence number 23 of 2011 by the Constitutional Court. Repeal? -  The question proposes the repeal of the regulations of legitimate impediment of the President of the Council of Ministers and the Ministers to appear in a criminal court, in accordance with sentence number 23 of 2011 by the Constitutional Court. (Source - Wikipedia - 16/6/2011)
The first two questions related to the privatisation of water and such privatisation was rejected. Italians also rejected a return to nuclear energy (what a surprise!), and refused to go along with putting Berlusconi and his Ministers above the law.  Approximately 95% of Italian voters chose to repeal all referenda questions in spite of a multi-million dollar  campaign to deter a 50+% voter turnout.

Also cause for rejoicing is the recent electorate setbacks of Berlusconi and his Northern League fascisti allies.

Miss Eagle did her own solo dance at home on hearing the news.

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