Monday 9 May 2011

MIA and I don't have a note from my mother...


If Networkers care to look at the dates, they will note that I have been Missing In Action for quite a bit.  Health has been far from good and quite a limiter on my usual existence and activities.  I have even wondered if I will continue to blog.  

Next month, should I continue to blog, I will enter my seventh year of blogging.  I am still considering whether to continue. However, I can feel something akin to primal urges and itchy fingers to be back blogging again.  Just in case, I have provided a bit of a revamp to the site with the aim of simplifying it for readers and for me.  The same information that was in the sidebars has now been transferred to a Blog Page available among the tabs above.  

I think if I return to blogging there will be a change of ethos.  I have tried to make this a community blog - and I have published all sorts of information and, as demonstrated by the Andew Bolt Fanclub invasion, have made this blog an openhouse for information, campaigns, and opinions.  I don't think I can keep that up anymore.  I was flat out keeping up in the best of times.  I apologise to Networkers for the times that some things have just slipped through the cracks.  

So what direction will a revamped Network take?  I am not quite sure.  I don't think I can get away from my community roots.  I think I will still want to put my peculiar opinions forward.  I will still want to reach out to the blogging and social media community through which I have formed so many friendships - some have become face to face friendships, some remain at the end of a blog or a tweet.  

Three of these friendships stand out for me - but there are many others as well.  One is with a South African with whom I have been communicating - but never met in person - since about 1998, long before either of us were bloggers and tweeters.  Another is a fellow blogger in another State with whom I have been liaising - and meeting in person and learning from and sharing - since about 2006.  Then there is my urban homesteader friend who lives much closer than the former two. I can't recall how long we have been following each others blogs. She is much younger than I and I am filled with admiration at her attitude, her plans, and what she is already achieving.  Truly, in my view, a kindred spirit and companion on The Way.  

So much is written about social media.  Much of the writing is critical.  A lot of it frightens off the fainthearted who have not yet stuck a toe in the social media waters - apart from email.  For me, social media is an enriching experience. I am an ageing single woman living alone.  For me, blogging - Facebook - Twitter - HootSuite - email overcome the barriers of ill health and social isolation so common to older members of Australian society.

So, Networkers who are reading this, please stay in touch with this blog.  
The past weeks may only be a hiatus before another journey begins.  


  1. You're in my list and will always stay there.

    Kind Regards

  2. Thank you, Belinda. Do appreciate.


This blog does not take Anonymous comments. Experience shows that comments cluttered with "Anonymous" are boring and people don't know whether "Anonymous" is one person or many. This is not a decision about freedom of speech. It is a decision about boring or unwillingness to be known by even a pseudonym.