Thursday 14 April 2011

#The_Economics_of_Happiness #localization #economics #environment


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Free film screening:

The Economics of Happiness

Join us for a special, free screening followed by an opportunity for discussion with producer and director, Helena Norberg-Hodge.

Both hard-hitting and inspirational, the film 'The Economics of Happiness' reveals some uncomfortable truths about today’s global economy, which is creating divisiveness, financial instability and environmental breakdown worldwide. But it also shows how people around the world are already engaged in exploring alternative visions of prosperity: uniting around a common cause to build more ecological, more human-scale, more local economies.
David Suzuki: 
"A powerful film that cuts deeply to the heart 
of the global crisis. Magnificent!". 

6.30pm-8.00pm Tuesday 3 May 

Basement Theatre, ‘The Spot’, Business & Economics, Building 110, 
198 Berkeley Street (cnr Pelham St), The University of Melbourne, Carlton

This event is proudly co-sponsored by:

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