Friday 1 April 2011

Richard Dawkins plans his de-evangelistic roadshow #atheism #religion #aprilfoolsday


Those curious souls over at the Ship of Fools are at it again.  


  1. Miss Eagle,

    Um, I picked this up from you and linked (, but it has been suggested that we might have been April fooled.

    Sigh, with so much just plain weirdness permeating the world these days this report actually came across as believable.

  2. Apologies, Counting Cats. I thought it was quite obvious that it was an April Fool's Day prank. Did you follow the links? Ship of Fools is a very funny (in my view) Christian site which sends up all sorts of things from Archbishops to religious souvenirs. I've been visiting them for years. I thought the image of Dawkins giving altar calls to renounce God was very funny - particularly if, like me, you find Richard Dawkins a pain in the neck.


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