Friday 1 April 2011

Pauline Hanson front-runner for the last Upper House seat in NSW. #racism #indigenous #phanson


I don't want to frighten Denis and Flabmeister, 
but it looks like Pauline Hanson 
is currently in the lead in the race 
for the last Upper House seat in the NSW Parliament.

See previous posts and comments here and here


  1. Thanks
    Ruin my whole weekend, and maybe the next 4 years
    Verity Firth look likely to lose Balmain.
    The sole win for the Greens.
    Shame they didn't knock off some of the other Labor people, instead.

  2. Sorry about ruinng your weekend Denis. Just think what the patchwork quilt in the NSW Upper House will look like: a mix of huntin', shootin', fishin', racism, and the Festival of Light. Surely there will be some comedic moments?!


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