Friday 8 April 2011

#Film "The Tall Man": SBS 17 April #Mulrunji #CameronDoomadgee #ChrisHurley #deathsincustody #policecoverup? #Aboriginal #indigenous


Whatever the Queensland Police and the Queensland Government say and do, the names and lives of Chris Hurley (The Tall Man)  and Mulrunji (Cameron Doomadgee) are forever entwined in the death in custody of Mulrunji. Official proceedings and procedures can dodge, duck and weave, but the aroma arising from the dead body of Mulrunji will always attach to Chris Hurley.  Memories, particularly aggrieved Aboriginal memories, are not erased by whitefella declarations of innocence nor official clearances to keep their friend, the policeman, out of prison.  

(Cameron Doomadgee)

From Cheryl:

Please  take time to watch ‘The Tall Man’ screening on SBS - Sunday 17 April @ 8.30pm. It's a documentary that chronicles that surrounds events surrounding the death in custody in 2004 of Mulrunji Doomadgee at the Palm Island police station in Far North Queensland.

You may also like to read  Frank Brennan's article on this very case in yesterday's Eureka StreetPalm Island cops dodge justice again, around the injustices of this case and calls for a Royal Commission.

You can also read Gerry Georgatos, PhD (Law) researcher in Australian Deaths in Custody, about recent concerns
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