Tuesday 5 April 2011

Federal Minister. Tony Burke, headlines cattle grazing meeting to-morrow night #cattleoutofparks #environment


Federal environment minister 
headlines cattle grazing meeting

Federal environment minister Tony Burke will headline a public meeting at the Box Hill Town Hall on Wednesday, April 6, just two days before the Victorian Government is forced to remove cattle from the Alpine National Park.

Mr Burke told the Baillieu Government in March that it had until April 8 to remove cattle from the Alpine National Park, or face action from the federal government.

The minister will be joined at the public meeting by scientists Dr Greg Moore and Dr Libby Rumpff, Gunaikurnai elder Uncle Albert Mullett, as well as speakers from the Victorian National Parks Association and The Wilderness Society.

The public is being urged to attend this important meeting and show support for keeping the Alpine National Park cattle free.

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Victorian National Parks Association


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