Wednesday 23 March 2011

Public Meeting - Cattle don't belong in national parks #nationalparks #environment #psuedoscience


Victoria’s Alpine National Park had a win over the weekend 
with Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke 
ordering cattle out of the park by April 8th.

Cattle have been grazing in the Alpine National Park since earlier this year, 
when the Baillieu Government reintroduced grazing to the area 
under the guise of researching fire management.

Cattle were banned from the park in 2005, 
and their reintroduction has been 
National parks are for nature, not cattle.

To reflect community support for Minister Burke's positive action, 
Victorian National Parks Association, 
The Wilderness Society 
and other environment groups are hosting a public meeting 
in Box Hill on Wednesday 6th April.

  Please come along and send a strong message to 
Minister Burke that the public widely supports his announcement.

Guest speakers at the meeting will present
on the scientific, cultural and political issues 
surrounding cattle grazing in the park, and will include:

Federal Environment Minister Tony Burke
-  Victorian National Parks Association's Phil Ingamels
-  University of Melbourne's Dr Greg Moore and Dr Libby Rumpff
-  The Wilderness Society's National Campaigns Director Lyndon Schneiders
-  Traditional owners and the Victorian State government have been invited

What:  Public Meeting - It's a park, not a paddock

When:  Wednesday 6th April, arriving 6:30pm for a 7pm start

Where:  Box Hill Town Hall, 1022 Whitehorse Rd (Melway Ref: Map 47, E9). 
The town hall is a six minute walk from Box Hill Station (Lilydale and Belgrave lines), 
or a three minute walk from the last tram stop on Route 109.

Bring:  Feel free to bring your waterproof jacket and bushwalking gear 
to show your support for national parks.

Cost:  Free. Donations welcome.

Below is the flyer that is being distributed to publicise the meeting.
If you live near Box Hill and you'd like to get more involved, we need help!  
if you can help distribute flyers for the meeting.

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