Monday 28 March 2011

Pauline Hanson - do not want. #racism #indigenous #phanson


Denis of The Nature of Robertson has been given a big fright by the last post.  He has written back:

God, I hope not.

Everybody had written her off yesterday, but I do recall that last time someone else nearly scraped in with not much more than Pauline's mob got.

It all depends on preferences (as you know, of course).  If there are lots of "spare votes" from the Shooters and the Christians, she will score well from them, after their quotas are full.
Of course, it also depends on how well their voters follow the HTV cards.
That's what lets the Greens down, by the way. Their naive people think that putting 1 somewhere is enough.
Optional Preferential sounds good, but it has hidden traps for the less well organised and less "rigorous".
The "Right" are good at that stuff. The Left are hopeless.

Here are the group votes and % figures and importantly, the quotas
This is rough because I copied it  from the web, and it lost the formatting.
Refer back to the website, to check the % votes and quotas.
Taken from earlier in the afternoon.
It will change over the days, so you can track it yourself.

First Preference Group Votes Group Group/Party Name
Election Night          Declaration                     Total              %          Quota Ratio
A LIBERAL/NATIONALS 1,400,249   141,474   1,541,723      48.50%   9.77
B NO PARKING METERS PARTY 33,1682,37435,5421.120.23
C (John Hatton group) 33,3044 2469 35773   1.12%   0.23
D OUTDOOR RECREATION PARTY 20,9911,88022,871   0.72%   0.14
E SAVE OUR STATE 9,49989210,391  0.33%  0.07
F CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY (FRED NILE GROUP) 90,5657,30797,872  3.08%      0.62
G FAMILY FIRST 41,0213,33844,359   1.40%   0.28
H LABOR/COUNTRY LABOR 711,092  61,266  772,358  24.30%   4.90
I THE GREENS 324,42322,987347,410       10.93%      2.20
J (Pauline Hanson is in here) 53,444  5,655   59,099   1.86%    0.37
K SOCIALIST ALLIANCE 7,2125347,746       0.24   0.05
L AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRATS 23,0022,20625,208   0.79              0.16
M BUILDING AUSTRALIA 6,3565116,8670.220.04
N RESTORE THE WORKERS' RIGHTS PARTY 11,9901,11813,108   0.41   0.08
O THE FISHING PARTY 37,9913,39341,384    1.30    0.26
P SHOOTERS AND FISHERS 108,1349,201117,335   3.69%      0.74
Total Formal Votes 2,912,439 266,524 3,178,963
Other (including informal) 141,478 141,478
Blank Votes131,148 131,148
Total Votes3,185,065 266,524 3,451,589

Happy Hunting.
PS You have ruined my night!
Hope you're satisfied!!!


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1 comment:

  1. I am sure there are worse things that could happen to this country.. I am just not sure I can think right now what that would be.

    The lady is doggedly determined and getting this close even if she looses is going to leave her feeling validated. If she wins .. Oh boy, if she wins.

    Kind Regards


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