Wednesday 23 March 2011

Lake Tyres Mission: Blockade Benefit


Lake Tyers Mission - Blockade Benefit

Friday 25th March  at 7:30pm
Sahara Nights
124 Lygon St (near Glenlyon Rd)
Lake Tyers Aboriginal Mission is being TAKEN BACK by the people. No more government steamrolling. No more being dictated to by bureaucrats. No more racism.

This is a benefit for the struggle. Some of the women from the blockade will be in town and can fill you in on the situation on the ground. Won't read about it in the newspaper!

Sahara Nights is a beautiful, chill Egyptian restaurant with awesome food, a great sound system, and a stupidly large collection of shishas (hookahs). Up the top of Lygon St, near Glenlyon Road.

Come one, come all.

Musicians (so far...)

Justin Love - reggae/soul
Jake Hapeta from Kia Kaha
Zessie Lloyd
DJ Dustyn Tonks
DJ Pyro (Jeff Pyrotek)

What's going on:
19:30 - Dinner, Shishas, info and mingle
21:30 - Speakers from the Blockade
22:00 - Music starts
23:30 - Let's boogie
01:00 - Get outta here already!

Entry = $10. Includes first drink at the bar. 

 Brought 2 U by Lake Tyres Solidarity

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