Tuesday 8 March 2011

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY – WIN Foundation – Event 4 #iwd #sikhs #women


The Women's Interfaith Network - the WIN Foundation - are celebrating International Women's Day to-morrow, 9 March, in partnership with the Sikh Welfare Council of Victoria.  Everyone is welcome and it is free - including the meal.  I have not done International Women's Day in this way before - but I will be there. I have been to other services and meals at the Blackburn Gurdwara and I can highly recommend the experience. The services are not difficult to get one's head or one's spirit around. The hospitality is welcoming - and part of the service that all Sikhs undertake within their and our community.  Please contact me at misseaglesnetwork(at)gmail(dot)com if you wish to come.

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