Thursday 24 March 2011

I'll have a little irradiation with that, please? #foodquality #foodsecurity #irradiation #nuclearissues


Australia has ordered a ban on food imports from parts of Japan amid fears of radiation contamination from the country's crippled nuclear plant.

This is sad and bad news.  Japan is a major friend and trading partner going through hard and severe times.  All this will impact their economy - because we won't be the only ones banning food from Japan. On the other hand, it is good to know that our food people are stepping up to the plate to safeguard the health of Australian's and provide protection for our own food security.

My personal jury has always wavered between recognising the advantages of cheap and clean nuclear energy - and the limitations on 'clean' when humanity has not properly sorted out nuclear industry waste disposal.  Australia thinks it can just dump such waste in what some people regard as "the middle of nowhere" on the land of an Aboriginal community who succinctly says "we are not no-one; we are not no-where".  

This event brings the matter close to home when we have to put the nations shutters up on Japanese food.  It shows that human beings don't have all the answers, all the time.  A nation that can build skyscrapers that waver like palm trees in a breeze and yet they don't collapse is clever.  Japanese cleverness has not been a match for the forces of nature.

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  1. I won't be buying daifuku for the time being.

  2. Try some Chinese stuff? I love to pick up stuff from the Yang Yang either at Box Hill Centro or Forest Chase at Forest Hill.

    I still have you on my reminder list for a library tour. One day you will fall off your stool when I ring you up.


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