Friday 11 March 2011

Have some Cultural Infusion workshopping with Joe Geia #indigenousmusic #ozmusic


My friends over at Cultural Infusion have sent out the S.O.S below.

Cultural Infusion is looking for aspiring Indigenous musicians who are interested in taking part in a series of workshops with acclaimed Australian musician Joe Geia. The workshop series I.P.O.P. is open to participants of all ages of an Indigenous background who would like to advance their music skills.
Joe Geia is of Murri Aboriginal heritage from North Queensland. He is best known as the composer of the song Yil Lull, which has been recorded by many other artists including Paul Kelly, Archie Roach and Jimmy Barnes. Geia is a composer, guitarist, singer and didgeridoo player and has been recognised as one of the most influential figures in the development of contemporary Indigenous music.
Geia's first full album, Yil Lull, was released in 1988, on the Only Gammin' label, and achieved an unprecedented level of critical and commercial success for an Indigenous performer. The album was considered vitally important among Indigenous people, and was well-timed to express a growing sense of pride in culture and identity, and hope for the political fight for land rights.
Stylistically Geia's songs fit the category of roots music and range from simple Pacific songs to reggae, rock and funk. The songs are written in Indigenous language and English, and touch on universal themes as well as issues of Indigenous Australia, although not in an overtly political way.
There will be three workshop series in which each six week programme will be comprised of workshops covering a variety of musical elements; from song writing and music production to performance skills.
Participants will have the opportunity to work with Geia and guest artists throughout each of the six week series. Participants taking part in I.P.O.P will have the opportunity to record their song during a FREE recording session and the chance to showcase their song to a wider audience at a performance.

Registration Information
The first session starts: Sunday 13th March 2011 from 2pm -6pm
at ‘The Crom’ 138 Cromwell Street, Collingwood
For more information or to register your interest: Email: 
Or contact: 1800 010 069
Or visit

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