Wednesday 30 March 2011

Craig Knowles subverts the Murray Darling Basin Authority? A one band? Irrigators to get their own way? #MDBA #irrigators #MDBpolitics


Murray-Darling Basin Authority 
now a one-man show?


30th March 2011
The reported comment by new Chair of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, Craig Knowles, that he has “washed his hands of the old Basin Plan”, further promotes the impression that Mr Knowles is single-handedly revising the mission of the Authority, according to Fair Water Use (Australia).

The Murray-Darling Basin Authority currently comprises five members. Fair Water Use has contacted Mr Knowles to ascertain whether his reported comments reflect the stance of the Authority - or merely his personal position on the issue.

In addition, Fair Water Use believes that it is inappropriate for a senior public servant to summarily dismiss a major document which is currently the subject of a comprehensive Senate Inquiry.

National coordinator of Fair Water Use, Ian Douglas, commented today, “Sadly, it appears necessary to remind Mr Knowles that the principal aim of the Authority is “to manage the Basin's water resources in the national interest”, and not to act as an advocate for the irrigation community”. 
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