Friday 27 January 2012

Wayne Swan, Rob Hulls and Pat Comben and seekings answers to questions

In the long ago when Miss Eagle was a very politically involved person, she took this picture with some of her then comrades-in-politics. I am re-posting this post - original publication September 25 2009 - because to-day, January 27 2012, Rob Hulls has announced his resignation from state politics in Victoria.

Rob has been an excellent Labor Attorney-General. Please note that of the three in the photo, only one is still in office. That's the one in the glasses - Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia Wayne Swan. Wayne, to me, is a good old-fashioned Labor politician and is employing traditional Labor methods in keeping Australia out of the financial difficulties afflicting the world. So far these methods are meeting with great success.

From Miss Eagle's archives.
No, these three lads are not triplets 
cutting a birthday cake.
From left: Wayne Swan - then State Secretary of the Qld Branch of the ALP, 
now Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia;
Rob Hulls - then Federal Member for Kennedy, a North Qld based seat,
now Victorian Attorney-General;
Pat Comben - then Minister (several portfolios) in the Labor Govt of Wayne Goss,
now an Anglican priest and Registrar of the Anglican Diocese of Grafton
and has the nomenclature of The Hon & Revd Pat Comben.
The date was 15 March 1991.
The place was Charters Towers.
The occasion was the Centenary of the ALP.
Charters Towers was one of the very first branches.


I am taking the opportunity of putting this picture up
because Rob Hulls is doing a live Q & A on line 
this afternoon at 2.30 pm here.
You will need to be quick about getting your
Qs on or you won't get any As
Miss Eagle has asked how we can legally get out of Water Trading
rebundle land and water once again.
Let's see if she gets an answer to that.
She might if Rob recognises the name attached to the Q.


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